Press Release - What They Are Saying...Praise for President-Elect Donald J. Trump's Choice of Scott Pruitt for Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
U.S. Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT)
"I am extraordinarily pleased with President-elect Trump's decision to nominate Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt to serve as Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. For years, Scott has been the go-to leader in resisting the Obama EPA's regulatory overreach. By standing up to unwarranted and unlawful policies, he has demonstrated rightful concern for Americans whose livelihoods and communities have suffered under intrusive, job-killing regulations. Under Scott's leadership, I have confidence we can implement commonsense policies that protect both our environment and our economy."
U.S. Senator Jim Inhofe (R-OK)
"Scott Pruitt has been a leader and a partner on environmental issues for many years, said Inhofe. Pruitt has fought back against unconstitutional and overzealous environmental regulations like Waters of the U.S. and the Clean Power Plan; he has proven that being a good steward of the environment does not mean burdening tax payers and businesses with red tape. In his appearances before the Environment and Public Works committee, Pruitt has demonstrated that he is an expert on environmental laws and a champion of states' roles in implementing those laws. Scott is thoughtful, experienced and a natural pick for this role. I am pleased with President-elect Trump's selection and I look forward to working with my fellow Oklahoman in his new capacity."
U.S. Senator James Lankford (R-OK)
"I applaud President-elect Trump and his team for choosing Scott Pruitt to lead the Environmental Protection Agency, said Lankford. Pruitt has served Oklahoma as a tireless defender of justice and law, and I am confident that he will serve America well. I look forward to working with him to restore a balanced approach to regulations and governance that fosters economic growth, advances energy independence and ensures stewardship for the environment. Scott Pruitt knows the difference between a state responsibility and a federal responsibility. The American people deserve an EPA that rejects extreme activism and instead returns to its proper interpretation of environmental law."
Texas Governor Greg Abbott
"President-elect Trump's selection of Scott Pruitt as Administrator of the EPA proves he is serious about creating jobs and rolling back the burdensome regulations implemented by the Obama administration. As Attorneys General, Scott and I sued the EPA on several occasions as it continually ignored the Constitution and sought to implement rules, fees and regulations without congressional oversight or approval. I look forward to working with Scott as he brings common-sense policies to a federal agency that has been one of the biggest job-killers in the Obama administration."
Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin
"The small business owners, coal miners, and all the hard working people of Kentucky are very pleased with President-elect Donald Trump's nomination of Scott Pruitt as EPA Administrator. This nomination proves that the President-elect is listening to the American people who want fewer overbearing government regulation from Washington D.C. and more jobs on main street USA. Just like he has done in Oklahoma, Scott Pruitt will fight for the working people and job creators, while ensuring that the air and water are clean and safe."
Luther Strange, Chairman, Republican Attorneys General Association
"President-elect Trump could not have made a better choice than Scott Pruitt to lead the EPA. General Pruitt has been at the front lines of the fight against federal overregulation, including the unconstitutional Clean Power Plan. He understands the need to protect our environment while also allowing responsible development of our vast natural resources. RAGA is losing a valued member, but the country is gaining a talented individual who will help President Trump restore America's economic strength."
Mike Turpen, Former Oklahoma Attorney General
"I've worked with Scott Pruitt on a wide variety of issues since he became Oklahoma's Attorney General. I especially remember his opinion a couple of years ago in which he turned back a political challenge to the Oklahoma's Promise scholarship program run by the Oklahoma Regents for Higher Education, a Board on which I serve. I have dealt with General Pruitt on a wide variety of other issues as well. In all of my dealings with General Pruitt I have found him to be an honorable man, a good family man, and a man of genuine spirituality.
"I can't say that I've followed everything that General Pruitt has done, but have always found him hard-working, honest, upbeat, and graced with a fine sense of humor. Scott is my friend, and I'm proud of his accomplishments and his upcoming appointment to administer the Environmental Protection Agency. I believe he will be fair minded and diligent in the performance of his duties. He will do Oklahoma and our Nation proud."
Leslie Rutledge, Arkansas Attorney General
"Attorney General Pruitt has been a leader in fighting the over regulation that has been coming from the EPA for many years, said Attorney General Rutledge. I am confident that my friend, mentor and partner in this fight to combat unlawful regulations, General Pruitt, will be a great fit to bring much needed reforms to the EPA and make sure the agency is acting within the scope of the law. I want to see common sense regulations put in place that not only protect our environment but that allow farmers to feed the world and business owners to grow jobs across Arkansas and the country, and I know General Pruitt will make that happen."
Patrick Morrisey, Attorney General of West Virginia
"My friend and fellow Attorney General Scott Pruitt would be an outstanding EPA Administrator. He's smart, principled, and the right person to reverse the EPA's unlawful actions that have hurt small business, job creation and states' rights. As the AG for a state like mine with bountiful natural resources, in Oklahoma Scott Pruitt has proven you can protect the environment and people's jobs at the same time."
Nan Hayworth, Board of Directors, ConservAmerica and former Member House of Representatives (R-NY)
"Scott Pruitt is very much in the mold of our nation's first environmentalist President, Theodore Roosevelt--an outdoorsman who understands the critical importance of stewardship. As head of the Environmental Protection Agency--which was founded by a Republican administration--Mr. Pruitt will be a strong partner for President Trump in effectively balancing protection of America's land, water, air, and wildlife with economic prosperity."
Oklahoma House Speaker-designate Charles A. McCall
"Today's announcement is incredible news not only for Oklahoma, but also for everyone across this nation that believes that states are sovereign and federal power is limited. Attorney General Scott Pruitt has been a champion for freedom and for Oklahoma for the last six years. As a citizen of one of the nation's leading energy producing states, I am excited for Oklahoma and for Scott, and I cannot think of a better choice for our nation at this critical agency."
Senator Greg Treat, the Majority Floor Leader of the Oklahoma State Senate
"Because of the leadership of Attorney General Scott Pruitt, Oklahoma has been the point of the spear in the fight against the unlawful and unconstitutional overreach of the EPA the past eight years. I've worked alongside Scott in recent years specifically to push back on the Clean Power Plan, and the EPA's attempt to circumvent Congress and the authority of the states to regulate and conserve their natural resources. No one is more qualified or better suited than Scott Pruitt to reign in the EPA, and restore balance to the agency's relationships with Congress, the states, and private industry. It certainly is great news for Oklahoma that one of our own has been appointed to a leadership position in the Trump administration, but it's even better news for our nation and the rule of law that Scott Pruitt will lead the EPA."
Donald J. Trump (1st Term), Press Release - What They Are Saying...Praise for President-Elect Donald J. Trump's Choice of Scott Pruitt for Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/319796