Photo of Donald Trump

Press Release - WTAS: Support For President Donald J. Trump's Actions On Trade

May 21, 2019

Members of Congress

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA): "Thank [you] Mr. President for really helping the farmers of Iowa [with] this important step in USMCA. [With] lifting metal tariffs @realdonaldtrump just proved he can deliver on negotiations China ought to take note/start dealing in good faith & take [President] Trump seriously."

Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA): "This is huge news for Iowa—especially our state's farmers and manufacturers who have been caught in the crosshairs of this tariff war with our neighbors. Months ago the president indicated that when a new trade deal was reached with Mexico and Canada, the tariffs would no longer be needed. Today's he's followed through on that."

Sen. Jerry Moran (R-KS): "I applaud the administration for reaching an agreement to lift the steel and aluminum tariffs on Canada and Mexico, and eliminating those countries' retaliatory tariffs targeted primarily at U.S. agriculture."

Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS): "Great news! Mississippi exported $526 million in goods to Japan in 2018. This @USDA @SecretarySonny accomplishment will help us expand that market."

Sen. Roy Blunt (R-MO): "Today's announcement by the Trump administration is a significant move in the right direction. … Lifting these tariffs will help ensure we have an economy that continues creating jobs and building things in our state – from bass boats and beer cans to airplanes and pickup trucks."

Sen. Steve Daines (R-MT): "Great news for Montana ag. Thank you for your leadership @SecretarySonny."

Sen. Deb Fischer (R-NE): "It is great to hear that Japan has lifted the restrictions on U.S. beef exports, increasing opportunities for our state's ag producers. I thank Secretary Perdue for his hard work on this front and look forward to continuing to work with him to expand market access for Nebraska agriculture products."

Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE): "Today's news that the Administration is dropping steel tariffs on Canada and Mexico is great for America, great for our allies, and certainly great for Nebraska's agriculture industry."

Sen. John Hoeven (R-ND): "BIG NEWS: The admin just announced a deal to lift steel/aluminum tariffs on Canada & Mexico. Led the ND delegation in urging the President to do this, which will benefit both our manufacturer's as well as #NDag, and will help as we work to move #USMCA through Congress."

Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH): "Pleased to see that @POTUS & @USTradeRep have reached a deal to lift our steel & aluminum tariffs on Canada & Mexico and they have subsequently lifted theirs on us. This is a positive step forward in passing #USMCA & will benefit #jobs in #Ohio."

Sen. James Lankford (R-OK): "Lifting steel & aluminum tariffs on two of our closest trading partners, Canada and Mexico, is welcome news – and especially great to hear that there will be no quotas in place of tariffs. Now is time to move forward with ratifying USMCA."

Sen. John Thune (R-SD): "Great decision by the Trump administration to lift the steel and aluminum tariffs on Canada and Mexico. Once those tariffs are ultimately lifted, we will be one step closer, I hope, to ratifying the USMCA, which would be a boon to American businesses and ag producers."

Sen. Mike Rounds (R-SD): "Glad to see the U.S., Mexico and Canada came to an agreement to end steel and aluminum tariffs. This is a positive step as we seek to continue a healthy trading relationship with our North American partners."

Sen. Mike Enzi (R-WY): "I am glad sound science finally won out and that Japan has fully opened its doors to the best beef in the world. Japan is one of Wyoming's biggest export markets and this decision will help continue our important trade relations."

Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY): "This is great news for Wyoming and all of America's farmers and ranchers who produce the highest quality beef in the world. Expanded trade with Japan is critical for the economic growth and competitiveness of our businesses, workers, farmers, and ranchers."

Rep. Rick Crawford (R-AR): "'For the first time since 2003, American cattle products from all cattle, all ages, can be sold in Japan.' This is great news for beef producers across the country. Thank you, @SecretarySonny for your leadership and hard work!"

Rep. Darin LaHood (R-IL): "The announcement from the White House that tariffs will be lifted is welcome news. I applaud this Administration for their impressive work on USMCA and this announcement will help move Congress closer to approving the new agreement."

Rep. Larry Bucshon (R-IN): "I am thrilled with the Administration's decision to remove the Section 232 aluminum tariffs, without quotas, from our responsible trading partners Canada and Mexico."

Rep. Jackie Walorski (R-IN): "The agreement with Canada and Mexico to lift steel and aluminum tariffs and retaliation without quotas will allow the U.S. to better target China's unfair trade practices and pave the way for the USMCA."

Rep. Ron Estes (R-KS): "The decision by the US, Mexico and Canada to lift tariffs on steel and aluminum is a significant milestone as we work toward free and fair trade among our three countries. This is one more reason for us to push toward final passage of the USMCA."

Rep. Steve Watkins (R-KS): "Kansas exports to Canada and Mexico in 2017 totaled $4.4 billion. This is great news we've reached a deal on Steel and Aluminum. Now all we need is USMCA!"

Rep. Bill Huizenga (R-MI): "The lifting of steel and aluminum tariffs between the U.S., Canada, and Mexico is welcome news and a very positive step that will have a significant impact on Michigan. This agreement now sets the stage for a much broader conversation to improve our trading relationship with both Canada and Mexico so more hardworking Michiganders and job creators can benefit from trade between our nations."

Rep. Paul Mitchell (R-MI): "Lifting steel and aluminum tariffs on Canada and Mexico signifies we are one step closer to our goal of making trade fairer worldwide. I have been deeply engaged on this issue, and I will continue working with my colleagues in Congress, the White House, and our trade negotiators to ratify the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement and future trade deals that protect American workers and products."

Rep. Jim Hagedorn (R-MN): "We applaud the bilateral US-CAN agreement to remove steel and aluminum tariffs. We agree that our consumers and manufacturers want solutions and expanded opportunities for trade, not more tariffs. I have publicly supported quick action on #USMCA in Congress."

Rep. Vicky Hartzler (R-MO): "The U.S., Canada, & Mexico agreed to lift all Sec. 232 #steel & #aluminum #tariffs, including retaliatory tariffs! This is a huge relief for #agriculture as our North American allies are some of our largest markets. I hope this propels momentum for my colleagues to pass #USMCA."

Rep. Don Bacon (R-NE): "Products from all cattle will now be allowed to enter Japan for the first time since 2003, increasing U.S. beef and produce exports as much as $200m a year. This is great news for Nebraska!"

Rep. Adrian Smith (R-NE): "I am pleased an agreement was reached to remove tariffs on steel & aluminum imports from Canada & Mexico and corresponding retaliatory tariffs. Maintaining these trade relationships is crucial to Nebraska producers, manufacturers, and our rural economy."

Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY): "Removing these tariffs on steel and aluminum is a major step in the right direction to ratifying the USMCA and strengthening our relationship with Canada, our nation's closest economic partner. This is great news for #NY21."

Rep. Mark Walker (R-NC): "@realdonaldtrump has shown great leadership in renegotiating NAFTA and getting a better trade deal for American workers. With tariffs lifted, Pelosi must bring USMCA to the floor for a vote. Now, let's get a better deal with China and protect our jobs and intellectual property."

Rep. Kelly Armstrong (R-ND): "Great news: @POTUS @realDonaldTrump has reached a deal to lift steel and aluminum tariffs on Canada and Mexico! Free and fair trade will greatly benefit North Dakota and the country."

Rep. Anthony Gonzalez (R-OH): "Pleased to see this agreement struck. It will smooth the path towards passing the USMCA while both providing much-needed relief to our farmers and protecting our domestic steel manufacturers. Now we need to put USMCA on the floor for a vote!"

Rep. Brad Wenstrup (R-OH): "Encouraged that @POTUS lifted the steel and aluminum tariffs on Canada and Mexico. Our allies have worked diligently to create fair trade practices. This is welcome news for American businesses and workers."

Rep. Frank Lucas (R-OK): "Thankful for @POTUS' continued commitment to American industries. Lifting steel and aluminum tariffs on our Southern and Northern neighbors brings us one step closer to finalizing #USMCA and bringing North American trade into the 21st century."

Rep. Dusty Johnson (R-SD): "I'm glad to hear the administration has come to an agreement with Mexico & Canada to eliminate 232 tariffs. This is a good first step to increasing trade stability in North America. Now it's our turn & I urge the Speaker to bring USMCA to the floor."

Rep. Chuck Fleischmann (R-TN): "Tennesseans have long benefited from free trade. Today's announcement about the removal of steel and aluminum tariffs with Canada and Mexico is good news for #TN03 businesses."

Rep. Mark Green (R-TN): "I agree with Leader McCarthy — President Trump should be lauded for getting Mexico and Canada to agree to lift tariffs on steel and aluminum imports. We are advancing towards the goal of ratifying the USMCA."

Rep. Kevin Brady (R-TX): "I applaud President Trump and Ambassador Lighthizer for lifting tariffs on steel and aluminum from Canada and Mexico without burdensome quotas. Canada and Mexico are strong allies and have taken significant steps to assure that trade-distorting and subsidized steel and aluminum from third countries will not surge into the U.S. market."

Rep. Will Hurd (R-TX): "14 million American jobs depend on free trade with Mexico and Canada, and our economies rely on a healthy trading relationship. Removing the Sec. 232 steel and aluminum tariffs on our closest trading allies is the right move to advance negotiations on USMCA."

Rep. Glenn Grothman (R-WI): "@realdonaldtrump has reached an agreement with Canada and Mexico to lift steel and aluminum tariffs. Great news!"

State and Local Officials

Gov. Kim Reynolds (R-IA): "Today represents a significant step forward for Iowa's agriculture and manufacturing industries. Mexico and Canada are Iowa's top two trading partners, and the removal of steel, aluminium, and retaliatory tariffs will increase exports of Iowa products. I want to thank President Trump and his administration for leading on this important issue throughout the entire negotiation process. Now that these tariffs have been lifted, it's critical for Congress to ratify the USMCA as soon as possible."

Gov. Doug Burgum (R-ND): "American beef will have full access to Japanese markets once again, which could expand U.S. exports by up to $200 million. This is great news for North Dakota's ranchers! Thanks @SecretarySonny for supporting and hearing us out on this issue…The US deal with Canada and Mexico to lift tariffs on steel & aluminum is great for ND's manufacturers & consumers. Now, Congress must ratify the #USMCA to modernize ties with ND's two largest trading partners—representing more than 85% of our exports."

Gov. Chris Sununu (R-NH): "The removal of these tariffs is a win for the New Hampshire economy, and something that I have long urged the Administration to act on. As two of our top trading partners, Canada and Mexico are close economic allies, and a strong, free, and fair trade agreement must be in place."

Gov. Kristi Noem (R-SD): "A big win for SD ag."

Gov. Mike Parson (R-MO): "Japan ended longstanding trade restrictions on US beef. This is more proof trade takes patience and a tough negotiator. HUGE step forward for our cattle farmers and ranchers, because Missouri is a top 10 beef producer."

Lt. Gov. Adam Gregg (R-IA): "As our two top trading partners, our relationship with Canada and Mexico is critical for the continued growth of Iowa's agriculture and manufacturing industries. Now is the time for Congress to act, and ratify the USMCA!"

Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig (R-IA): "I'm encouraged by the trade news coming out of Washington today. With the steel tariffs lifted, this is the time for Congress to approve the USMCA."

Kentucky Commissioner of Agriculture Ryan Quarles (R-KY): "Great news about the lifting of tariffs between the US, Mexico and Canada. Now, Congress should move quickly to adopt USMCA. USMCA is a great deal that reflects American interests and the concerns of a 21st century economy. Let's do it."

Louisiana Agriculture Commissioner Mike Strain (R-LA): "President Trump's announcements on Friday, May 17, 2019 regarding the agreement with Canada and Mexico to lift retaliatory tariffs on steel and aluminum is a huge victory for all farmers and citizens. Further, the United States and Japan also announced an agreement which will eliminate Japan's longstanding restrictions on U.S. beef that have the potential to expand our beef trade by an additional $200 million annually."

Missouri Department of Agriculture Director Chris Chinn (R-MO): "Now, we hope to see the improved trade agreement w/Canada & Mexico in place quickly with the removal of steel tariffs. #USMCA is critical to Missouri's economy – 56% of our total exports are sent to our neighbors. It's time to ratify #USMCANow! Our farmers & ranchers deserve it."

New Mexico Secretary of Agriculture Jeff Witte (R-NM): "Great news from @SecretarySonny today on the agreement to lift restrictions on beef exports from the USA to Japan! Opportunities for NM value added in the future!!"

Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller (R-TX): "This is a homerun for Texas beef producers. Thanks to the hard work of President Trump, Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue and U.S. trade negotiators, Japan has lifted its age restrictions on imports of Texas beef for the first time since 2003."

Mayor of Mesa, Arizona John Giles (R-AZ): "I agree with @SenMcSallyAZ that Congress needs to pass the #USMCA. Arizona's economy will only grow stronger with effective trade policies."

Mayor of Yuma, Arizona Douglas Nicholls (R-AZ): "The #USMCA is critical to keep the Yuma border region growing. Now that the 232 Tariffs are resolved, it is the best time for Congress to secure the future of North American trade. #4FrontED"

Mayor of Nevada, Iowa Brett Barker (R-IA): "This is a big deal! Now we need Congress to get the USMCA across the finish line. Trade with Canada and Mexico is vital for Iowa."

Mayor of Rochester Hills, Michigan Bryan Barnett (R-MI): "Great news on the trade front as the Administration reaches deals to eliminate the retaliatory tariffs with Mexico and Canada. Now we need congress to pass the #USMCA and keep the Michigan economy rolling."

Advocacy & Policy Organizations

Alliance for American Manufacturing President Scott Paul: "The administration's steel trade enforcement action has stabilized the domestic industry to a point where it believes alternative arrangements can be made with Canada and Mexico. Domestic output and capacity utilization are up, more than 12,000 new jobs have been announced, and import penetration is down. Steelmakers are investing billions of dollars in their American facilities. Meanwhile, there are 476,000 job openings in manufacturing, where the unemployment rate is an astonishingly low 3 percent."

Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers: "Automakers welcome this announcement. Tariffs on Steel and Aluminum have increased costs for automakers and suppliers. While many automakers already source the vast majority of their steel and aluminum domestically, tariffs drive those prices up which decreases investment and harms auto workers and ultimately consumers. Lifting these tariffs not only reduces economic harm, it would also remove a significant hurdle to Congressional consideration of USMCA."

Aluminum Association President & CEO Heidi Brock, IMEDAL President Fernando A. Garcia, and The Aluminum Association of Canada President & CEO Jean Simard: "We greatly appreciate the efforts of our respective governments to reinstate exemptions from Section 232 tariffs for North American aluminum. Removing tariffs, without quotas, is a major win for the entire industry and will support continued growth and investment throughout the region."

American Dairy Coalition: "The metal tariffs placed on Canadian and Mexican products will be lifted immediately in wake of an agreement between the North American countries. We applaud the efforts of all involved in the finalization of this important agreement."

American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall: "Today's lifting of steel and aluminum tariffs on Mexican and Canadian imports and the elimination of retaliatory tariffs on U.S. agricultural products by Mexico and Canada is welcome news…Elimination of these tariffs should help pave the way for approval of the USMCA by Congress."

American Seed Trade Association President and CEO Andy LaVigne: "Today's announcement of a trilateral deal on steel and aluminum tariffs is great news for the seed industry, and agriculture at large…The USMCA includes the seed industry's core priorities for trade…this action is absolutely essential so that Congress can now come together and pass this critical trade agreement for America's farmers and our partners in Canada and Mexico."

Archer Daniels Midland Company: "We applaud today's announcement of an agreement by the United States, Mexico, and Canada to lift trade tariffs associated with the 232 case on steel and aluminum, and we thank Ambassador Lighthizer and the Administration for their leadership on this critical issue. This agreement represents a key step toward approval and ratification of the U.S-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), which will greatly benefit American farmers, ranchers, and agribusiness."

Associated Equipment Distributors President & CEO Brian McGuire: "AED commends the United States, Canadian and Mexican governments for reaching an accord to remove the steel and aluminum tariffs."

Business Roundtable: "Business Roundtable is encouraged that the United States, Mexico and Canada have come to a resolution that lifts steel and aluminum tariffs as well as corresponding retaliatory tariffs. We look forward to reviewing the details of the agreement."

Corn Refiners Association President and CEO John Bode: "This agreement represents a key step toward approval and ratification of the U.S-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), which will greatly benefit American farmers, ranchers, and agribusiness. We commend the efforts of President Trump toward overcoming this roadblock in negotiations, and strongly urge Congress to swiftly ratify the USMCA trade agreement."

Distilled Spirits Council President and CEO Chris Swonger: "We thank the Administration for reaching an agreement to secure the removal of retaliatory tariffs on American Whiskey exports to two of our largest and most important export markets. With this critical issue now resolved, we look forward to joining the various efforts to support the prompt Congressional passage of U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement, which includes important benefits for our industry"

The Ford Motor Company: "Ford applauds all three governments for working together to find resolution on this critical issue. The elimination of steel and aluminum tariffs on Mexico and Canada allows the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement to reach its full potential. We urge Congress to swiftly pass the USMCA to promote an integrated, globally competitive automotive business."

General Motors: "General Motors is pleased that an agreement has been made with Canada and Mexico regarding steel and aluminum. We hope this good news clears the path for approval of the USMCA agreement which, we believe, is vital to the success of the North American auto industry."

International Dairy Foods Association President and CEO Michael Dykes: "We applaud the Trump Administration as well as the governments of Mexico and Canada for prevailing with a market-principled approach. With this deal in place, it is now essential that Congress turn its attention to swift ratification of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement."

Motor Equipment Manufacturers Association President and CEO Bill Long: "Today's action is the right thing to do and we urge the Congress to quickly pass the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA). MEMA looks forward to working with all the parties to fully understand the outlined monitoring and surge protection processes. There is no question that this good news today reinforces the need for Congress start consideration of the USMCA."

National Association of Manufacturers President and CEO Jay Timmons: "The President's action on tariffs today will help to advance USMCA. We are now one step closer to a North American trade deal that opens markets, raises standards, provides enforcement and modernizes trade rules so that manufacturers across the United States can grow our economy. Manufacturers look forward to working with Congress and the Administration to get this over the finish line."

National Association of Wheat Growers President Ben Scholz: "Leaders in Congress made it clear that the USMCA agreement would never be approved unless the tariffs on Mexican and Canadian steel and aluminum were removed. We want to remind members of Congress that the farmers in their states and districts expect support for this agreement. We are certain USMCA will bring jobs and economic prosperity to rural America and across the United States."

National Cattleman's Beef Association: "NCBA is grateful to President Trump for working with Canada and Mexico to resolve the steel and aluminum tariff situation. Removing this trade barrier opens the door for Congress to ratify the U.S.-Canada-Mexico Agreement (USMCA). NCBA strongly supports the USMCA, and now is the time for Congress to work with President Trump to ratify the USMCA as soon as possible. We cannot afford to delay action on this monumental agreement."

National Grain and Feed Association President and CEO Randy Gordon: "This is an extremely important development that should spur expeditious ratification of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada (USMCA) trade accord in all three countries. As an organization that is a strong and unconditional supporter of USMCA, we urge the administration to submit enabling legislation, and Congress to approve, USMCA on a bipartisan basis. In the current trade environment, in particular, U.S. agriculture desperately needs the certainty and market access USMCA will provide."

National Milk Producers Federation President and CEO Jim Mulhern: "America's struggling dairy farmers are in need of some good news, and today's announcement certainly helps. This paves the way for Mexico to drop retaliatory tariffs that have harmed dairy, and for Congress to take its next step to help our producers – to vote on USMCA and quickly ratify it."

Steel Manufacturers Association President Philip K. Bell: "SMA continues to support the administration's efforts to improve free and fair trade in North America by modernizing trade rules for steel producers and other manufacturers in the region. We are hopeful that a primary benefit of the 232-tariff resolution will help clear a path in Congress for immediate passage of the new U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement."

United States Apple Association President and CEO Jim Bair: "The U.S. Apple Association commends the Trump Administration for the removal of Section 232 tariffs on steel and aluminum on Mexico and Canada and the successful negotiation of provisions going forward to protect agriculture from being drawn into future trade disputes involving metals. We welcome the return of duty-free access to Mexico, our largest export market, and continued duty-free access to Canada, our number two market."

United States Chamber of Commerce President & CEO Thomas Donohue: "The Chamber applauds the administration's decision to lift the tariffs on steel and aluminum imports from Canada and Mexico. … Critically, this action delivers a welcome burst of momentum for the USMCA in Congress, and we urge the administration and Congress to continue their efforts to chart a path toward its approval as soon as possible."

United States Dairy Export Council President and CEO Tom Vilsack: "This is an important development for the U.S. dairy industry, and we applaud the hard work of negotiators from all three countries that made it possible as well as the numerous members of Congress that have insisted upon the need to resolve the Section 232 metal tariffs dispute with our North American partners."

United States Grains Council President and CEO Tom Sleight: "The U.S. Grains Council is encouraged by the announcement of a deal to lift Section 232 tariffs and countertariffs on goods traded between our country, Canada and Mexico. Our two neighbors are among our best customers for every grain and grain product the Council promotes, and efforts to continue to build stronger relationships with them, including through the pending U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), are critical."

United States Meat Export Federation President and CEO Dan Halstrom: "USMEF appreciates the efforts of USDA and the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative to secure removal of the 30-month cattle age limit for beef exports to Japan, which is a major step toward putting BSE in the rear view mirror when it comes to global beef trade."

Donald J. Trump, Press Release - WTAS: Support For President Donald J. Trump's Actions On Trade Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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