Press Release - WTAS: USMCA Draws Widespread Support as an Economic Win For America
Following the release of the International Trade Commission's report on the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, industry leaders touted the positive economic impact the agreement will have
The Advanced Medical Technology Association Executive Vice President Ralph Ives: "AdvaMed welcomes the ITC report demonstrating the USMCA's substantially positive impact on the U.S. economy compared to NAFTA."
American Automotive Policy Council President Former Missouri Governor Matt Blunt: "AAPC and its member companies believe the Trump administration delivered a solid agreement that will maintain U.S. global competitiveness, especially in the automotive sector. We urge Congress to pass the USMCA, which will bring much needed jobs, economic stimulation and certainty to the North American automotive sector."
American Soybean Association President Davie Stephens: "We know that the modernizations included in USMCA will make trade with our North American neighbors even smoother."
Association of Equipment Manufacturers President Dennis Slater: "This is a win for equipment manufacturers, the 1.3 million men and women of our industry, and the entire U.S. economy. This new report by the United States International Trade Commission shows that the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) not only preserves duty-free market access to two of our most important trading partners, it also shows that we can create 176,000 American jobs and add more than $68 billion to the U.S. economy."
Business Roundtable Trade and International Committee Chair Tom Linebarger: "Business Roundtable appreciates the work of the U.S. International Trade Commission, and its report on the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement marks a key step under Trade Promotion Authority to advance Congressional consideration of implementing legislation. This comprehensive analysis shows that all broad industry sectors across the U.S. economy will benefit from USMCA."
Farmers for Free Trade Co-Executive Director Brian Kuehl: "USMCA will guarantee that [American farmers'] most important export markets remain open for business and free from red tape."
International Dairy Foods Association President and CEO Michael Dykes: "We believe the USMCA is a big win for the U.S. dairy industry and this report confirms that fact. The next step is for Congress to swiftly take up the agreement and vote to pass the USMCA."
Internet Association Director of Trade Policy Jordan Haas: "The release of the USITC report is an important step in the congressional approval process of USMCA, which represents a new standard for digital trade agreements. This report underlines that the digital trade provisions in USMCA mean jobs and opportunities in every state."
National Association of Manufacturers Vice President of International Economic Affairs Linda Dempsey: "The USMCA is a win for manufacturers. This agreement will level the playing field for manufacturers in the United States and support the 2 million American manufacturing jobs that depend on our exports to Canada and Mexico."
National Association of Wheat Growers President Ben Scholz: "A vote for USMCA means more jobs for Americans, stronger export markets for farmers to sell their crop, and billions of dollars added to the economy."
National Corn Growers Association President Lynn Chrisp: "In 2016 alone, American corn growers exported $3.2 billion in corn and corn co-products to Mexico and Canada. USMCA secures and builds upon this important partnership, which is why ratifying USMCA is so important for agriculture."
National Pork Producers Council Vice President Nick Giordano: "NPPC supports ratification of USMCA, an agreement that preserves zero-tariff access to markets that represent more than 30 percent of total U.S. pork exports."
Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council President and CEO Karen Kerrigan: "America's small businesses greatly benefit from trade with Canada and Mexico, and the USITC report shows enhanced value and growth for our economy and all industry sectors under USMCA. The biggest gains noted in the USITC report are for the service sector and manufacturing, which are dominated by small businesses. The findings clearly demonstrate the value of USMCA to workers, small businesses, entrepreneurs and our economy and is another reason why every member of Congress needs to get behind passage of this important agreement."
United States Chamber of Commerce: "In the end, the facts about North American trade and the USMCA are staring us in the face: Millions of American jobs, trillions in trade, and benefits for every state in the union. These facts should guide lawmakers as they consider their vote."
United States Dairy Export Council CEO Tom Vilsack: "Congress must pass USMCA to shore up our market in Mexico and harness the gains made in other areas through USMCA."
Trade Works for America Co-Chairs Phil Cox and Former Sen. Heidi Heitkamp: "The ITC report is further proof that the USMCA is a win for the American worker, from almond growers in California to auto workers in Michigan."
Donald J. Trump (1st Term), Press Release - WTAS: USMCA Draws Widespread Support as an Economic Win For America Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project