By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation
Whereas certain forest lands within the State of Texas have been or may hereafter be acquired by the United States of America under the authority of sections 6 and 7 of the act of March 1, 1911, ch. 186, 36 Stat. 961, as amended (U.S.C., title 16, secs. 515, 516); and
Whereas it appears that it would be in the public interest to reserve and designate such lands as the Davy Crockett National Forest:
Now, Therefore, I, Franklin D. Roosevelt, President of the United States of America, under and by virtue of the authority vested in me by section 24 of the act of March 3, 1891, ch. 561, 26 Stat. 1095, 1103, as amended (U.S.C., title 16, sec. 471), and by section 11 of the said act of March 1, 1911 (U.S.C., title 16, sec. 521), do proclaim that there are hereby reserved and set apart as the Davy Crockett National Forest all lands of the United States within the following-described area, and that all lands therein which may hereafter be acquired by the United States under authority of the said act of March 1, 1911, as amended, shall upon their acquisition be reserved and administered as a part of the Davy Crockett National Forest:
Beginning in Trinity County and on the right bank of the Neches River at a point identical with the beginning corner of Tract K2a-I as surveyed by the U.S. Forest Service; thence with said tract, West 23.80 chains to a point north of the beginning corner of Tract K2u, property of the United States; thence crossing the James A. Lee survey. Abstract No. 389, South 57.70 chains to the beginning corner of Tract K2u; thence with three (3) lines of said tract, South 45.00 chains, S. 88°30' W. 23.20 chains, N. 1°30' W. 45.50 chains to corner 4 thereof; thence with two (2) lines of the Abraham Anding survey. Abstract No. 54, West 56.00 chains to the northwest corner thereof, South 25.70 chains to the northeast corner of the BJ3.B. & CR.R. Co. survey, Abstract No. 101; thence with two (2) lines of said B.B.B. & CRR. Co. survey, West 80.00 chains to the northwest corner thereof, South 80.00 chains to the southwest corner thereof and on the east line of the M. D. White survey, Abstract No. 661; thence with three (3) lines of said M. D. White survey, South 67.55 chains to the southeast corner thereof. West 47.35 chains to the southwest corner thereof, North 13.75 chains to the southeast corner of the John D. Windham survey, Abstract No. 653; thence along the south boundaries of the following named surveys: John D. Windham, supra, Jesse James, Abstract No. 364; Jesse James, Abstract No. 366; Thomas Trevathan, Abstract No. 596; and John Conklin, Abstract No. 140, westerly 240 chains to the northwest corner of the Thomas Trevathan survey, Abstract No. 598, on an east line of the J. Poltevent survey, Abstract No. 507; thence with four (4) lines of the said J. Poltevent survey. South 40.00 Chains to the ninth corner of said survey. Bast 10.70 chains, South 48.50 chains, West 26.30 chains to the sixth corner of said survey, identical with the northeast corner of the J. Poltevent survey, Abstract No. 508; thence with two (2) lines of the said J. Poltevent survey, West 83.00 chains to the northwest corner of said survey, South 77.00 chains to the southwest corner thereof and on the east line of the J. Poltevent survey. Abstract No. 509; thence with the east line of said J. Poltevent survey, South 17.50 chains to the southeast corner of said survey, identical with the sixth corner of the B. G. O'Neal survey, Abstract No. 940; thence continuing and crossing the said B. G. O'Neal survey, South 10.00 chains to a point on a south line of said B. G. O'Neal survey, between the eighth and ninth comers thereof; thence with four (4) lines of said survey, East 13.40 chains, South 42.10 chains, East 1.20 chains. South 40.00 chains to the twelfth corner of said survey on the north line of the Juan Carmona survey, Abstract No. 6; thence with two (2) lines of said Juan Carmona survey, westerly 26.00 chains, to the northwest corner thereof, southerly 83.00 chains to the sixth corner of the M. S. Hoffman survey, Abstract No. 260; thence with three (3) lines of the M. S. Hoffman survey, West 91.34 chains, North 57.75 chains, West 44.20 chains to the northwest corner thereof and on the east line of the Heirs of George Wilson survey, Abstract No. 631; thence with two (2) lines of said survey, northerly 15.00 chains to the northeast corner thereof, westerly 43.00 chains to the east line of the Bryant S. Mangum survey, Abstract No. 428; thence with two (2) lines Of the Bryant S. Mangum survey, southerly 8.00 chains to the southeast corner thereof and identical with Monument-K399, S 89° 30' W 41.50 chains to the southwest corner thereof and identical with the third corner of the Richard Gregory survey, Abstract No. 233; thence with two (2) lines of the Richard Gregory survey, North 40.40 chains to the second corner thereof, West 70.90 chains to the beginning corner thereof and identical with the fourth corner of the Solomon Adams survey, Abstract No. 64; thence with four (4) lines of the Solomon Adams survey, South 82.20 chains to corner 3 of Tract K2f, property of the United States, East 29.70 chains to corner 4 of said tract, S 0°30' W 20.20 chains to corner 5, West 38.30 chains to corner 6 of said Tract K2f, Identical with the eighth corner of said Solomon Adams survey and on the southeast line of the Ignacio de los Santos Coy survey, Abstract No. 13; thence with said survey S 30°00' W 147.00 chains to State Highway No. 106; thence with said highway N. 67°30' W 60.00 chains to Tract K2c, property of the United States and at a point between comers 12 and 13 thereof; thence with three (3) lines of said Tract K2c, passing comers 13 and 14 thereof, to State Highway No. 106; thence with said highway, N. 67°30' W 98.00 chains to said Tract K2c, at a point between comers 27 and 28 thereof; thence with ten (10) lines of Tract K2c, passing comers 28 to 36 inclusive, to corner 37 which is identical with Monument-K455; thence with two (2) lines within the Marla Guadalupe de Castro survey. Abstract No. 9, N. 49°45' W 48.00 chains to corner 4 of Tract K2d, property of the United States, N. 60°00' W 108.00 chains to a point in line of Tract K2-m, property of the United States and at a point between corners 44 and 45 thereof; thence with twenty (20) lines of said Tract K2—m, passing corners 45 to 62 Inclusive, 428.10 chains to corner 63 of said tract; thence N. 29°30' E 64.00 chains to corner 66 of Tract K2-III, thence with two (2) lines of Tract K2—III, passing corner 67, 118.80 chains to corner 68 and identical with the southeast corner of the R. Miller survey, Abstract No. 414; thence with two (2) lines of said R. Miller survey, N. 60°00' W 61.54 chains, N. 10°00' E 12.33 chains to the eighth corner thereof and on the southwest line of the A. E. Westall survey, Abstract No. 48; thence with the southwest line of said A. E. Westall survey, N. 79°15' W 142.00 chains to the beginning corner of said survey, identical with corner 84 of Tract K2-HI; thence with the northwest line of the A. E. Westall survey, northeasterly 275.00 chains to corner 92 of Tract K2-III; thence with five (5) lines of Tract K2—III, passing comers 93 to 96 inclusive, 155.10 chains to corner 97 on the northwest line of the John D. Stepp survey, Abstract No. 567; thence with two (2) lines of the said John D. Stepp survey, N. 10°00' E 21.50 chains, S. 80°00' E 40.00 chains to the third corner thereof and on the northwest line of the N. E. Morris survey, Abstract No. 431; thence with three (3) lines of the N. E. Morris survey, N. 10°00' E 25.00 chains, S. 80°00' E 40.00 chains, S. 10°00' W 9 chains to the sixth corner of the John D. Stepp survey; thence with a north line of said John D. Stepp survey and the Christopher Fox survey, Abstract No. 215, southeasterly 21.00 chains to corner 102 of Tract K2-III; thence with four (4) lines of Tract K2-III, passing corners 103, 104 and 105 to corner 106 on the south line of the James Perry survey, Abstract No. 487; thence S. 81°30' E 10.00 chains to the third corner of the James Perry survey; thence along the east line of the said survey northerly 46.30 chains to the fourth corner thereof; thence with two (2) lines of the W. W. Davis survey, Abstract No. 182, North 45.10 chains, N. 80°00' W 32.20 chains to the fourth corner thereof; thence northwesterly 2.00 chains to corner 58 of Tract K2b, property of the United States; thence with four (4) lines of Tract K2b, passing comers 59, 60, and 61, 61.70 chains to corner 62 of Tract K2b on the southwest line of the W. J. Ward survey, Abstract No. 676; thence with the southwest and northwest lines of said W. J. Ward survey 58.00 chains to corner 65 of Tract K2b; thence N. 10°15' E 40.00 chains to corner 7 of Tract Kl-V, property of the United States; thence with four (4) lines of Tract Kl-V, passing corners 8, 9, and 10 to corner 11 thereof and on the south line of the Mary Henderson survey, Abstract No. 496; thence with two (2) lines of said Mary Henderson survey West 45.80 chains to the southwest corner thereof, North 48.00 chains to the beginning corner of the Henry Harris survey, Abstract No. 1205; thence with the northwest line of said Henry Harris survey S. 80°00' W 69.40 chains to the second corner of the T. J. Routon survey, Abstract No. 1346; thence with the southwest and northwest lines of said T. J. Routon survey 45.30 chains to the fifth corner thereof and on the southeast line of the Jacob Perkins survey, Abstract No. 850; thence S. 80°00' W 71.70 chains along the southeast lines of the Jacob Perkins and Amanda Johnson surveys to the second corner of the Amanda Johnson survey. Abstract No. 646, and on the northeast line of the Enoch Broxon survey, Abstract No. 218; thence with three (3) lines of said Enoch Broxon survey S 10°00' E 8.40 chains, West 37.80 chains, North 9.30 chains to a point on the west line of said survey identical with the southeast corner of the Mary Ann Denson survey, Abstract No. 337; thence west with the south line of said Mary Ann Denson survey to the beginning corner thereof and on the east line of the Caroline E. Milon survey, Abstract No. 716; thence with the said east line of the Caroline E Milon survey north 69.70 chains to corner 18 of Tract Kl-II, property of the United States; thence with Tract Kl-II passing comers 19 to 22 inclusive 242.70 chains to corner 23 of said tract which is identical with corner 13 of Tract Kl-I; thence with Tract Kl-I S 0°30' E 86.70 chains to the beginning corner thereof and identical with the third corner of the M.D.T. Hallmark survey, Abstract No. 497; thence with two (2) lines of the M. D. T. Hallmark survey south 56.80 chains, N. 80°00' W 43.80 chains to corner 1 thereof identical with the fifth corner of the Edward Tyler survey, Abstract No. 1019; thence with two (2) lines of the Edward Tyler survey S 65°00' W 153.90 chains, S 0°15' E 94.80 chains to corner 2 of Tract Klc; thence with sixteen (16) lines of said Tract Klc passing corners 3 to 17 inclusive 517.90 chains to a point south of corner 20; thence north 36.70 chains to corner 20 of Tract Klc; thence with two (2) lines of Tract Klc passing in line corner 21, 275.20 chains to corner 22 on the south line of the John Satterwhite survey, Abstract No. 978; thence with two (2) lines of the John Satterwhite survey east 6.00 chains, N. 65°30' E 32.00 chains passing in line corner 3 of Tract Kid to the beginning corner of said survey; thence along the south lines of the J. B. Hallmark survey, Abstract No. 493, and the Preston Pevehouse survey, Abstract No. 849, passing corners 4, 6, and 7 of Tract Kid, northeasterly 94.50 chains to the beginning corner of the Preston Pevehouse survey; thence along the east line of the Preston Pevehouse survey, passing corner 6 of Tract Kl—I, northerly 37.40 chains to corner 7 thereof; thence with five (5) lines of Tract Kl-I passing corners 8 to 11 inclusive, 125.40 chains to corner 12 identical with corner 24 of Tract Kl-II; thence eleven (11) lines with Tract Kl-H and Tract Kl-X, passing corners 25 to 32 inclusive of Tract Kl-H and corners 1 and 2 of Tract Kl-X and corner 34 of Tract Kl-U, 319.80 chains to corner 35 of said Tract Kl-II on a northeast line of the George W. Hallmark survey, Abstract No. 41; thence with two (2) lines of the George W. Hallmark survey N. 25°00' W 110.60 chains, northeasterly 5.00 chains to corner 47 of Tract Kl-II; thence with six (6) lines of said Tract Kl-II, passing comers 48 to 52 inclusive, 162.70 chains to corner 53 of said tract and on the east line of the Levi Speer survey. Abstract No. 926; thence with the Levi Speer survey North 50.90 chains to the northeast corner thereof, identical with the eighth corner of the Burnell Johnson survey, Abstract No. 650; thence with six (6) lines of the Burnell Johnson survey, passing the seventh, sixth, fifth, fourth, and third corners to the second corner thereof identical with corner 54 of Tract Kl-in; thence along the west lines of the William E. Hays survey, Abstract No. 501, William McLain Goodwin survey, Abstract No. 433, and William H. Hays survey, Abstract No. 512, northerly 234.60 chains to the second corner of the said William H. Hays survey; thence with the north line of the William H. Hays survey east 40.00 chains to the third corner thereof; thence with the west line of the George W. Julien survey, Abstract No. 640, north 8.75 chains to the south line of the R. R. Russell survey, Abstract No. 76; thence with the south line of the R. R. Russell survey easterly 113.00 chains to a point south of corner 10 of Tract Kin; thence within the said R. R. Russell survey north 14 chains to corner 10 of said Tract Kin; thence with three (3) lines of Tract Kin, passing comers 11 and 12, 84.90 chains to corner 13 of said tract in the east line of the R. R. Russell survey; thence with the east line of the R. R. Russell survey northerly 54.00 chains to the beginning corner of the Francis B. Conner survey, Abstract No. 24; thence with the Francis B. Conner survey N. 60°00' E 285.00 chains to the second corner thereof; thence N. 37°15' W 172.00 chains to the beginning corner of the James Patton survey. Abstract No. 808; thence with the southeast line of the James Patton survey S. 60°00' W 105.00 chains to corner 16 of Tract Klb-V; thence with eighteen (18) lines of Tracts Klb-V and Klb-XIV, passing comers 17 to 28 inclusive of Tract Klb-V, corner 2 of Tract Klb-XIV and corners 29 to 32 of Tract Klb-V, 582.13 chains to corner 33 of Tract Klb-V; thence N. 45°00' W 21.50 chains to State Highway No. 21; thence with said highway southwesterly 200.00 chains to the northeast line of the Jacob Masters, Jr. survey, Abstract No. 55; thence with the northeast line of said Jacob Masters, Jr. survey N. 45°00' W 108.00 chains to the north corner of said survey on the southeast line of the Elizabeth Norrod survey, Abstract No. 794; thence with two (2) lines of said Elizabeth Norrod survey S. 45°00' W 20.00 chains, N. 45°00' W 40.00 chains to corner 37 of Tract Klb-VI; thence passing corner 4 of Tract Klb-XIH S 45°00' W 39.00 chains to corner 40 of Tract Klb- VI; thence with eleven (11) lines of Tract Klb-VI, passing comers 41 to 43 inclusive, and 1 to 7 inclusive, 206.55 chains to corner 8 of said tract; thence with two (2) lines of the James Saunders survey, Abstract No. 907, N. 40°00' W 56.40 chains. North 58.50 chains to the beginning corner thereof; thence with a west line of the Jacob Veittle survey, Abstract No. 1056, north 16.10 chains to the beginning corner of said survey on the south boundary of the Marselino Salas survey, Abstract No. 77; thence north 62.00 chains to San Pedro Creek; thence down and with San Pedro Creek 1090.00 chains to confluence with the Neches River; thence down and with the right bank of the Neches River 5985.00 chains to the point of beginning.
The area described above is graphically shown on the diagram attached hereto and made a part hereof.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed.
Done at the City of Washington, this 13th day of October, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and thirty-six and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and sixty-first.
By the President:
Secretary of State.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Proclamation 2203—Davy Crockett National Forest, Texas Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project