By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation
Whereas, pursuant to section 22 of the Agricultural Adjustment Act, as amended (7 U.S.C. 624), the Secretary of Agriculture advised me there was reason to believe that tung oil is being, and is practically certain to continue to be, imported into the United States under such conditions and in such quantities as to render or tend to render ineffective, or materially interfere with, the price-support program undertaken by the Department of Agriculture with respect to tung nuts and tung oil, or to reduce substantially the amount of products processed in the United States from domestic tung nuts or tung oil with respect to which such program of the Department of Agriculture is being undertaken; and
Whereas, on March 21, 1957, I caused the United States Tariff Commission to make an investigation under the said section 22 with respect to this matter; and
Whereas the said Tariff Commission has made such investigation and has reported to me its findings and recommendation made in connection therewith; and
Whereas, on the basis of the said investigation and report of the Tariff Commission, I find that tung oil is being, and is practically certain to continue to be, imported into the United States under such conditions and in such quantities as to render or tend to render ineffective or materially interfere with the said price-support program with respect to tung nuts and tung oil, and as to reduce substantially the amount of products processed in the United States from domestic tung nuts or tung oil with respect to which such program is being undertaken; and
Whereas I find and declare that the imposition of the quantitative limitations on imports of tung oil hereinafter proclaimed is shown by such investigation of the Tariff Commission to be necessary in order that the entry of tung oil will not render or tend to render ineffective, or materially interfere with, the said price-support program, or reduce substantially the amount of products processed in the United States from tung nuts or tung oil; and
Whereas I find that the quantitative limitations hereinafter proclaimed will not reduce the permissible total quantity of tung oil which may be entered to proportionately less than 50 per centum of the average annual quantity of tung oil entered during the representative period November 1, 1952 to October 31, 1956, inclusive; and
Whereas the allocation of the quotas among foreign supplying countries as hereinafter prescribed will assure an equitable distribution of the imports of tung oil which may be entered hereunder, based upon the proportion of imports for consumption that such foreign countries supplied during the said representative period:
Now, Therefore, I, Dwight D. Eisenhower, President of the United States of America, acting under and by virtue of the authority vested in me by the said section 22 of the Agricultural Adjustment Act, as amended, do hereby proclaim-
1. That for the period commencing September 9, 1957, and ending October 31, 1958, the total quantity of tung oil entered shall not exceed 26,000,000 pounds, of which no more than 846,066 pounds shall be entered before October 1, 1957, and no more than 1,154,000 pounds shall be entered during each of the succeeding four calendar months of said period;
2. That for the 12 month period commencing November 1, 1958, and ending October 31, 1959, the total quantity of tung oil entered shall not exceed 26,000,000 pounds, of which no more than 6,500,000 pounds shall be entered during the first quarter of said period;
3. That for the 12 month period commencing November 1, 1959, and ending October 31, 1960, the total quantity of tung oil entered shall not exceed 26,000,000 pounds, of which no more than 6,500,000 pounds shall be entered during the first quarter of said period;
4. That of the 26,000,000 pounds of tung oil specified in paragraphs 1, 2, and 3, respectively, not more than 22,100,000 pounds shall be the product of Argentina, nor more than 2,964,000 pounds shall be the product of Paraguay, nor more than 936,000 pounds shall be the product of other foreign countries; that of the 846,066 pounds specified in paragraph 1, not more than 719,156 pounds shall be the product of Argentina, nor more than 96,452 pounds shall be the product of Paraguay, nor more than 30,458 pounds shall be the product of other foreign countries; that of the 1,154,000 pounds specified in paragraph 1, not more than 980,900 pounds shall be the product of Argentina, nor more than 131,556 pounds shall be the product of Paraguay, nor more than 41,544 pounds shall be the product of other foreign countries; and, that of the 6,500,000 pounds specified in paragraphs 2 and 3, respectively, not more than 5,525,000 pounds shall be the product of Argentina, nor more than 741,000 pounds shall be the product of Paraguay, nor more than 234,000 pounds shall be the product of other foreign countries.
As used in this proclamation, the term "entered" means "entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for consumption."
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the United States of America to be affixed.
DONE at the City of Washington this ninth day of September in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and fifty-seven, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and eighty-second.
By the President:
Secretary of State
Dwight D. Eisenhower, Proclamation 3200—Imposing Import Quota on Tung Oil Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project