By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation
Whereas the United States of America has the greatest transportation system—by land, by sea, and by air—that has ever been developed anywhere in the world; and
Whereas this system is essential to the expansion of our commerce, to the moving of the products of our farms and factories, to the logistic support of our armed forces in times of national emergency, and to the welfare and security of all our people; and
Whereas it is fitting that we should give full recognition to the significance of our transportation system and to the importance of maintaining its facilities, so that it may continue to serve our needs in times of peace and in the defense of our country; and
Whereas the Congress, by a joint resolution approved May 16, 1957 (71 Stat. 30), has requested the President annually to issue a proclamation designating the third Friday of May of each year as National Defense Transportation Day:
Now, Therefore, I, Dwight D. Eisenhower, President of the United States of America, do hereby designate Friday, May 16, 1958, as National Defense Transportation Day, and I urge all our people on that day to collaborate in appropriate activities and ceremonies with the various branches of the transportation industry and with representatives of the armed forces and other Governmental agencies.
I also invite the Governors of the States to provide for the observance of National Defense Transportation Day in such manner as will afford an opportunity for the people of each community to recognize and appreciate fully the importance of a great modern transportation system, in their daily lives and in our national defense.
In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the United States of America to be affixed.
DONE at the City of Washington this 4th day of March in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and fifty-eight and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred and eighty-second.
By the President:
Secretary of State
Dwight D. Eisenhower, Proclamation 3224—National Defense Transportation Day, 1958 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project