Richard Nixon photo

Proclamation 4262—International Women's Year 1975

January 30, 1974

By the President of the United States Of America

A Proclamation

There is a growing awareness today of the significant contributions that American women have made to our country's development, its culture, and its social and economic life. Women have enriched our society as homemakers and mothers and our community life through dedicated service as volunteers. Their entry into the labor force in increasing numbers has strengthened and expanded our economy. Despite these important contributions, women continue to face inequities as they seek a broader role in the life of our Nation.

In recent years, we have made significant progress toward remedying this situation, not only by striking down barriers to the employment and advancement of women in Government, but by ending discriminatory practices in other fields through legislation, Executive order, and judicial decree. Even when legal equality is achieved, however, traditional discriminatory attitudes, beliefs and practices may persist, preventing women from enjoying the full and equal rights that they deserve.

This Administration is committed to providing an opportunity for women to participate on an equal basis with men in our national life. We support the Equal Rights Amendment, we are moving vigorously to ensure full equal employment opportunity for women in the Federal service, and we are enforcing the law requiring similar efforts in business and institutions which receive Federal contracts or assistance.

The United Nations General Assembly, by adoption of Resolution 3010 of December 18, 1972, designated 1975 as International Women's Year. This resolution offers an exceptional opportunity to intensify the national effort already underway in the United States to further advance the status of women.

In observing International Women's Year, we should emphasize the role of women in the economy, their accomplishments in the professions, in Government, in the arts and humanities, and in their roles as wives and mothers.

The Congress approved the Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution in 1972. It would be a fitting tribute to America's women to complete the ratification of this amendment by 1975.

Let us begin now to work together, men and women, to make 1975 an outstanding year for women in the United States, and lend our support to the advancement of women around the world.

Now, Therefore, I, Richard M. Nixon, President of the United States of America, do hereby designate the year 1975 as International Women's Year in the United States. I call upon the Congress and the people of the United States, interested groups and organizations, officials of the Federal Government and of State and local governments, educational institutions, and all others who can be of help; to begin now to provide for the observance of International Women's Year with practical and constructive measures for the advancement of the status of women, and also to cooperate with the activities and observances to be arranged under the auspices of the United Nations.

In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this thirtieth day of January in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred seventy-four, and of the Independence of the United States of America the one hundred ninety-eighth.

Signature of Richard Nixon


Richard Nixon, Proclamation 4262—International Women's Year 1975 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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