Jimmy Carter photo

Proclamation 4681—International Energy Conservation Month, October 1979

September 10, 1979

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

The United States is the largest user of energy in the world and since 1978 has become increasingly dependent on imported oil to meet its domestic needs.

While considerable progress has been made in reducing the rate of growth in demand for energy, much more remains to be done if the United States is to meet its responsibility to reduce its demand for petroleum on the world market.

Energy problems facing us in the United States are similar to those facing other industrialized nations, as well as many of the world's less developed countries. The fundamental problem domestically and internationally is that demand for petroleum is increasing faster than the capacity to produce it.

As the world's major consumer of energy, it is essential that the United States become a leader in conserving energy by curtailing unnecessary and wasteful uses, by improving the efficiency with which we use energy for essential purposes, and by switching from increasingly scarce petroleum and petroleum products to more abundant alternate sources.

To this end, I have announced a program of import quotas to see that the commitment we made at the Tokyo Summit will be achieved.

We must also reduce our imports through vigorous and sustained conservation of energy. This task has already begun. The National Energy Act I proposed, which was enacted last November, includes:

?a $300 residential energy conservation tax credit, which the taxpayer can claim for the purchase of insulation and other energy-saving measures;

?a residential insulation service which local utilities must provide beginning in the fall of 1980, to provide energy evaluations of homes and to arrange loan financing for installation of insulation;

?a 10% investment tax credit for equipment used to conserve energy by improving the efficiency of industrial plants;

?weatherization grants for low-income households;

?a 5% reduction in annual energy use by each Federal department, including mandatory building temperature standards and a 10% reduction in automobile fuels;

?a $900 million grant program to provide 50% of the cost of energy conservation measures for schools and hospitals;

?a $65 million grant program to provide technical assistance and energy audits for local government and other public buildings;

?mandatory non-residential building temperature restrictions;

?mandatory automobile fuel economy standards for each model year through 1985; and

?a "gas guzzler tax" on automobiles failing to meet fuel efficiency standards, beginning with the 1980 model year.

I also have proposed, and Congress will consider:

?a major program to make residential and commercial buildings more energy efficient;

?$16.5 billion in new Federal funding over the coming decade for mass transportation systems and improved automobile efficiency. These latter programs will be funded by the proposed Windfall Profits Tax.

The effectiveness of our efforts to conserve energy in the years ahead will have substantial impact on both the Nation's ability to meet future energy needs at home and on the stability of social, political and economic institutions around the world.

In response to the recognized need to conserve energy, the 20 member countries of the International Energy Agency, including the United States, have designated the month of October 1979 as International Energy Conservation Month. The objectives of International Energy Conservation Month are: 1) to provide an international focus for national efforts to stimulate greater public awareness of the continuing and long-term need for energy conservation; 2) to underline the extent to which industrialized nations are cooperating to conserve energy; and 3) to give member countries an opportunity to plan events which will either culminate during the month or use the month as a springboard for continuing programs.

Now, Therefore, I, Jimmy Carter, President of the United States of America, in full support of this international program, do proclaim October 1979 as International Energy Conservation Month in the United States and call upon all Americans to join me in observing it. During the month let us as a Nation focus our attention on energy conservation through our actions and deeds. Let us view that month as the springboard to a more energy-efficient, energy-reliable future.

I call upon State and local governments to join me in proclaiming October as International Energy Conservation Month and to undertake activities in support of its objectives.

I urge all citizens, corporations, labor unions, trade associations, the media, and groups and organizations of all types to participate in this international energy conservation program at home, at work, while traveling and in all daily activities.

In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this tenth day of September, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred seventy-nine, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and fourth.

Signature of Jimmy Carter


Jimmy Carter, Proclamation 4681—International Energy Conservation Month, October 1979 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/247868

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