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Proclamation 52—Revoking the Exequatur of the Spanish Consul at New Orleans

January 04, 1850

Zachary Taylor, President of the United States of America

To all whom it may concern:

An exequatur having been granted to Senor Carlos de Espana, bearing date the 29th October, 1846, recognizing him as the consul of Her Catholic Majesty at the port of New Orleans and declaring him free to exercise and enjoy such functions, powers, and privileges as are allowed to the consuls of the most favored nations in the United States:

These are now to declare that I do no longer recognize the said Carlos de Espana as consul of Her Catholic Majesty in any part of the United States, nor permit him to exercise and enjoy any of the functions, powers, or privileges allowed to the consuls of Spain; and I do hereby wholly revoke and annul the said exequatur heretofore given, and do declare the same to be absolutely null and void from this day forward.

In testimony whereof I have caused these letters to be made patent and the seal of the United States of America to be hereunto affixed.

Given under my hand this 4th day of January, A. D. 1850, and of the Independence of the United States the seventy-fourth.


By the President:

JOHN M. CLAYTON, Secretary of State.

Zachary Taylor, Proclamation 52—Revoking the Exequatur of the Spanish Consul at New Orleans Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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