Ronald Reagan picture

Proclamation 5279—National Farm-City Week, 1984

November 13, 1984

By the President of the United States of America

A Proclamation

One of this Nation's greatest blessings is the abundant food supply on which we all depend each and every day of our lives. Our food stores, with row after row of wholesome, nutritious foods, display a sight so commonplace that Americans tend to forget the enormous effort involved in our complex system of food production, distribution, and marketing.

Our food supply depends upon the farmers who plant their crops and through hard work, faith, and patience, bring in a golden harvest. But it also depends on many people who live in towns and cities. It relies on those who provide farm equipment and production supplies for farmers, as well as on the processors who prepare the products for delivery throughout the Nation by a dependable network of transportation. Finally, we rely on the merchants who store and sell the agricultural products.

It is appropriate that we recognize the interdependence of all those involved in the system with a National Farm-City Week near Thanksgiving. As we give thanks for our food in this great land of freedom, let us also pause to salute the 23 million Americans who work directly in some essential task in agriculture, on farms, and in cities.

Now, Therefore, I, Ronald Reagan, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim the period November 16 through November 22, 1984, as National Farm-City Week. I call upon all Americans, in rural areas and in cities alike, to join in recognizing the accomplishments of our productive farm families and of our urban residents in working together in a spirit of cooperation.

In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this thirteenth day of November, in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and eighty-four, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and ninth.

Signature of Ronald Reagan


Ronald Reagan, Proclamation 5279—National Farm-City Week, 1984 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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