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Readout of the President's Call and Meeting With Iraqi President Talabani

October 06, 2009

President Obama called President Talabani on October 5, and spoke with him at the White House on October 6 when he dropped in on President Talabani's meeting with National Security Advisor General Jim Jones. The President conveyed appreciation for the leadership that President Talabani has shown in promoting national unity in Iraq and encouraged him to continue his efforts in this regard. The President conveyed to President Talabani support for Iraqi efforts to adopt an election law soon. He also reaffirmed that the United States remains committed to working with Iraq to promote security, political progress, and economic development as Iraqis take responsibility for their future. The two leaders expressed support for further economic cooperation, and highlighted the upcoming October 20-21 U.S.-Iraq Business and Investment Conference in Washington.

Barack Obama, Readout of the President's Call and Meeting With Iraqi President Talabani Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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