Joe Biden

Readout of the Vice President's Meetings and Engagements in Chile

March 11, 2014

While in Chile to attend the inauguration of President Michelle Bachelet, Vice President Biden met with leaders from across Latin America yesterday and today to discuss a range of important issues facing the Americas.

Yesterday, Vice President Biden met with President Bachelet to discuss a number of bilateral issues, including Chile's recent entry into the Visa Waiver Program. They also discussed the current status of Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations and the situation in Venezuela. The Vice President told President Bachelet that President Obama and he look to her as a key regional and global leader and a crucial partner. The Vice President also sought her advice on the United States' engagement in the Americas.

The Vice President also met yesterday with former President Sebastián Piñera of Chile to discuss a full range of bilateral, regional, and global issues. The Vice President thanked former President Piñera for his leadership and stewardship of the United States-Chile partnership, which has never been stronger.

In the Vice President's meeting with President Ollanta Humala of Peru, the two discussed the United States-Peru partnership and various regional issues. They compared notes on the status of Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations, Peru's upcoming hosting of a key global climate change summit, developments with the Alliance of the Pacific, the situation in Venezuela, and our shared efforts in the fight against drug trafficking and organized crime.

Vice President Biden spoke with President José Mujica of Uruguay as well, and discussed our strong bilateral relationship and intent to deepen our engagement and find new opportunities to advance our shared agenda.

In the Vice President's conversation with President Horacio Cartes of Paraguay, the two discussed developments in Paraguay, and President Cartes' efforts to attract more investment from the United States.

Today, Vice President Biden met with President Juan Manuel Santos of Colombia. They spoke about Colombia's peace process and continued fight against narcotraffickers, our growing economic and energy cooperation, and the situation in Venezuela.

Vice President Biden also spoke with President Dilma Rousseff of Brazil today to discuss regional issues and opportunities to strengthen bilateral cooperation.

In the Vice President's conversation with President Enrique Peña Nieto of Mexico, he congratulated President Peña Nieto for Mexico's apprehension of cartel kingpin Chapo Guzman, and they discussed our countries' joint commitment to deliver concrete progress out of the North American Leaders Summit.

The Vice President also had the chance to speak with a number of other leaders, including President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner of Argentina, and President Rafael Correa of Ecuador.

Joseph R. Biden, Readout of the Vice President's Meetings and Engagements in Chile Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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