Franklin D. Roosevelt

Rear-Platform Remarks at Julesburg, Colo., during a Drought Inspection Trip.

September 02, 1936

My friends:

When my plans were changed I found that I was going through a corner of Colorado and I sent a telegram to Governor Johnson, asking him to join the train in order that I could have with him the same kind of conference that I have had with the Governors of a number of other States that have been affected by the drought. So, for the past couple of hours, we have been talking on the train.

We have Secretary Wallace of the Department of Agriculture with us, Administrator Tugwell of the Resettlement Administration and Mr. Hopkins of the Relief Administration. We have been going over the situation as it affects this particular State.

I wish I had more time to study at first hand the situation in Colorado. Apparently the State as a whole is pretty fortunate, although this eastern section, both the northeastern section and the southeastern section, have been affected a good deal.

As you know, we are all working together. We have three problems before us: The first is the immediate problem of taking care of the feeding of people during the summer. The second is the problem of taking care of people during the next winter until next spring, when we hope we shall have more rain. The third problem relates to long-range planning, so that we can beat this problem once and for all by the proper use of land.

As you know, we are all interested in this. It is something that is fairly new because twenty-five years ago, when we had all the land in the world still open to settlement, that problem did not exist. Today the unlimited land of the old days of the frontier is gone; and we find that we have to use land in a different and better way than we used it during the past generation.

I believe that by cooperation between the people, the local governments, the State Government and the Federal Government we are going to work out something that will mean greater prosperity for all of the people, not only in the drought section, but in every part of the country as well.

I have been preaching back East that if one section of this country, like the Great Plains area, has a bad year or is seriously affected, it affects the people back East, the people down South and the people on the Coast very nearly as much as it does you people who are in the drought area. That is why I am here on a "look-see" trip.

I am glad to see you and I hope to come back again to see you one of these days soon.

Franklin D. Roosevelt, Rear-Platform Remarks at Julesburg, Colo., during a Drought Inspection Trip. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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