THE PRESIDENT. I've got a question I want to ask you. Are we going to have a Democratic victory in South Carolina in November? [Cheers]
I'm not going to speak but just a few minutes, because I want to spend as much time as I can shaking your hands and thanking you for your confidence in me and also, more importantly, for your confidence in the future of our Nation. This is the greatest country on Earth. We have never failed to meet any challenge or answer any question or solve any problem if the Nation was united and if Democrats were in the White House and holding the major positions in this country. Right? [Cheers]
Your county chairmen, State chairman, William Jennings Bryant Dorn, your great Governor, Dick Riley, Fritz Hollings-Senator Hollings, Congressman Holland, and also, of course, Butler Derrick, all of us are united in believing that with your help we can have an even better future for our Nation than we've had in the past, with jobs for our people, with the rebuilding of our industrial capacity, new tools for our workers—I just came from the new Startex Mill; it's beautiful—and also with a belief in human beings, that our young people should have a better education, we should have better transportation systems, better homes, strong nation militarily, a nation at peace. Those are the kinds of things that we Democrats are going to keep in this country for the next 4 years, with your help. Will you help us? [Cheers]
AUDIENCE [Chanting]. We want Jimmy.
THE PRESIDENT. Thank you very much. You've got me.
Just so I can shake as many hands as possible, let me say that you've got me and you're going to have me for 4 more years.
Thank you very much.
Note: The President spoke at 2:16 p.m. outside the Lyman Town Hall.
Following his appearance at the barbecue, the President attended a South Carolina Democratic Party fundraising reception at the home of State Senator Verne Smith in the town of Greer.
Jimmy Carter, Remarks at a Barbecue for Carter/Mondale Workers in Lyman, South Carolina Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project