I have just a moment in which to greet you and wish you well. It was from Caddo that very many members of my own old regiment came, and you can hardly imagine what a pleasure it is to me to be here to-day to see you. All day long I have been traveling through your beautiful Territory, a Territory that very soon, I not only hope but earnestly believe, will be a part of a great State in the Union. If your citizens act as well in peace as those of them I knew in war, it will be a mighty good State. I want to congratulate you upon the type of men you have got, and upon the quantity and quality of your children. I want you to remember now that you are on the verge of Statehood, that whether you can feel proud or not of your State in the future is going to depend upon the citizenship of the average man and average woman.
Theodore Roosevelt, Remarks in Caddo, Indian Territory Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/343739