Dwight D. Eisenhower photo

Remarks at Carrasco Airport, Montevideo, Upon Leaving for Puerto Rico.

March 03, 1960

Mr. President, and people of Uruguay:

The warm hospitality which you, Mr. President, and your fellow citizens have shown to me and to my party has impressed itself indelibly on my mind. My deep personal faith in the goodness of people, in the sanctity of the human spirit, and in the burning desire of people for freedom to progress in their chosen way, has received here renewed strength. I am grateful to you for a memorable demonstration which will encourage and inspire me in the months to come.

My departure from your lovely country marks the end of my all-too-brief visit to this great southern area. Since duties at home would not permit me to visit all the nations of the hemisphere, I have hoped that this trip would be recognized throughout the continent as an expression of the. deep respect and affection held by the people of the United States for all the people of Latin America. To all of them, if I may, I wish to say this:

The good neighbor and good partner policy is a firm, unswerving guide to all the actions of my Government which affect Latin America.

We adhere firmly to the policy of nonintervention.

We wish to see all the Americas progress together rapidly, in freedom.

We are ever ready to cooperate with you in fostering sound development.

We always stand ready to consult with our good neighbors on economic, political, social, and security problems, both on a bilateral and multilateral basis.

We reaffirm our pledge to help maintain the security of the Americas under the Rio Treaty, and to cooperate in achieving a realistic program of disarmament.

We declare our faith in a realm of law, our determination to abide by treaty and related international commitments, and our insistence that other nations do likewise.

We repudiate and condemn all efforts to undermine the democratic institutions of the hemisphere through coercion, subversion, or blatant lie.

We will do all in our power to spread the blessings of freedom in the hemisphere, and to work for a solidarity among free peoples.

And now, Mr. President, goodbye to you, to Senora de Nardone, to all your friendly citizens, and to the people of this majestic Southland.

Dwight D. Eisenhower, Remarks at Carrasco Airport, Montevideo, Upon Leaving for Puerto Rico. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/235367

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