Remarks Congratulating William W. Scranton on His Nomination To Be Ambassador to the United Nations
Let me say how pleased I am that my long-time friend, Bill Scranton, is going to be our next Ambassador to the United Nations. He not only has been a good, close, personal friend but a good friend in many, many other ways.
We were just chatting and the Secretary of State indicated that he had been trying to get him to take a position of responsibility for--7 years, was it, Henry?
Bill Scranton has a big job to do. We have got great responsibilities in the United Nations. We are stronger there today. Starting with the Secretary's speech to the Seventh Special Session of the United Nations last fall, where we, I think, made great progress with the underdeveloped countries and, of course, the policy of standing up for the United States against some of these unfair attacks--the actions of Ambassador Moynihan--I think, have been good from the point of view of the United States.
You've got a big job to do carrying out the Secretary's policies and carrying out my decisions, but we are very, very confident, Bill, with your background in a wide variety of areas, including the political scene, will give you the kind of stature and strength and capabilities to do the job that I want you to do and the Secretary of State wants you to do.
So, I thank you very much for taking on the job. Good luck, and I am sure we will see that you are confirmed without too much difficulty.
MR. SCRANTON. I certainly thank you, Mr. President. It is a great honor to have an appointment of this sort and particularly coming from you.
As most of you know, we have been good friends for a long time. And I have tremendous trust and confidence in the President of the United States, as I think a lot of people do, as has been indicated fairly recently.
Henry, may I say to you that I am grateful to you, sir, for coming back and being here today. I was told that one of the reasons they waited until today to do this was because you wanted to be here, and I appreciate that immensely.
I have had several talks with Brent1 and appreciate all of his helpfulness, and I am grateful to him for his cooperation and education.
It will be a very difficult job. I think everybody is aware that the United States is being attacked in the UN a great deal. I am a Pat Moynihan fan, and I was delighted with the way he handled it and had a long talk with him yesterday in New York. I think we are on the upbend in the United Nations, primarily due to the policy of the President and the Secretary and the activity of Ambassador Moynihan. And I am proud and happy to be his successor and be the delegate from the President of the United States.
THE PRESIDENT. Maybe the Secretary of State would like to make a comment.
SECRETARY KISSINGER. I would like to express my very great pleasure at being able to work with Governor Scranton. The policies which the President has enunciated with respect to the United Nations, which I then stated in Milwaukee at his request and which Ambassador Moynihan carried out so ably, will now have another distinguished representative. And it will be a great pleasure and privilege to work with Ambassador Scranton.
1 Lt. Gen. Brent Scowcroft, USAF (ret.), Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs.
Note: The President spoke at 10:15 a.m. in the Oval Office at the White House.
Gerald R. Ford, Remarks Congratulating William W. Scranton on His Nomination To Be Ambassador to the United Nations Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/256996