Harry S. Truman photo

Remarks to a Group of United Nations Veterans From the Fighting Front in Korea.

October 24, 1951

THANK YOU, Mr. Secretary. I don't know when I have had a more pleasurable occasion. I made a speech about these young men this morning, and I hope they will be able to read it, because what I said then will be much better than what I can say now, and will completely cover the situation.

I congratulate them on their service to freedom and against aggression in the world.

This is a cross section of what the United Nations is trying to do. We all are highly pleased that you could come to see us. I hope you have an enjoyable trip around the United States of America, and carry back home a good impression of us.

I am sorry that the weather prevented us from holding the meeting where we usually do, out here in the Rose Garden, but it is just a little damp, and I don't think it would look well for all of us to be wearing raincoats.

Enjoy yourselves all you can now. You are highly welcome to this country, and as I said, I hope you will go back feeling kindly towards us.

Have a good time now, and if there's anybody around the country that doesn't treat you right, why you tell me!

Note: The President received the group on the portico outside his office at the White House at 3:05 p.m. as part of the observance of United Nations Day.

The group was composed of 48 veterans of the Korean conflict from each of the 19 nations having forces serving in the United Nations command in Korea. They had been brought to the United States by the Department of Defense and were scheduled to tour the country.

Harry S Truman, Remarks to a Group of United Nations Veterans From the Fighting Front in Korea. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/231169

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