Mr. Chairman and distinguished members of this great audience:
It is a very definite honor for this Nation's Capital to be the host to such a distinguished body. I assure you that we are complimented by your presence.
I suppose seated here before me is the greatest concentration of financial genius that this world could produce. That being so, you can be sure of one thing: I am not going to talk about international finances.
I think I would prefer to talk for a minute or two about some of the meanings--some of the results--of the kind of cooperation that you people are here to undertake.
International cooperation is the key to peace. It must come about. It must progress from year to year--or the world must be the poorer by reason of that failure.
We have the United Nations in order to spread understanding--one of the other--a place where we may debate our differences, rather than resort to the ancient arbiter of force--an organization to promote and sustain peace.
We have such defensive organizations as NATO and SEATO and the Organization of American States--all having as one of their main purposes the security of all of the member states against unwarranted attack.
In this International Bank and the International Monetary Fund, we have the possibility of extending this cooperative field into our business life--the international business life. As mutual understanding and good will and above all, confidence in each other is the basis of any successful business within a nation, so it is in the international world.
As confidence grows, in turn based upon mutual understanding, and based upon meetings such as these, we are bound to have a general rise in the living standards of the world. Business thrives in the spirit of confidence thus engendered.
So, you pool long-term capital and provide technical advice and help for all of the organisms that are struggling to produce wealth so that all the people of the world may prosper. You do it together and therefore add to the strength of each, so that the whole total becomes one not only formidable--it is truly overwhelming in its influence.
I have only one other word to say. It has to do with an experience of mine in wartime, where I was working with groups that had among themselves to develop real cooperation or there could be no success. There are men in this audience who were my associates in that work. We early found one thing: without the heart, without the enthusiasm for the cause in which we were working, no cooperation was possible. With that enthusiasm, subordinating all else to the advancement of the cause, cooperation was easy.
Now it seems to me you people have shown your enthusiasm for doing your part in developing this growing and expanding world economy by coming here, by coming from so many different nations--giving your time and your effort to meet with others in order that the whole may prosper.
Because you do show that enthusiasm, that kind of leadership, I venture to offer to each of you my felicitations and my complete confidence that nothing you could be now doing in your own country or elsewhere is more worthwhile than what you are doing here in this great meeting you have been holding.
Again I say, Washington--this Nation's Capital--this entire government--the American people--are proud to have had you here. We hope only that these meetings may be frequent and each one of them more fruitful than its predecessor.
Thank you very much.
Note: The President spoke at the Sheraton-Park Hotel, Washington, D.C., at 11:30 a.m. His opening words "Mr. Chairman" referred to Antonio Carrillo Flores, Secretary of Finance of Mexico.
Dwight D. Eisenhower, Remarks at Meeting of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project