Gerald R. Ford photo

Remarks at a President Ford Committee Reception in San Jose.

May 25, 1976

WHEN I look at all this wonderful talent and these fine supporters, obviously I can't help but be enthusiastic about our opportunities and our prospects on June 8.

We have found in the last week a real surge in the momentum. We went through a tough time. We didn't lose our cool. And then along came Maryland and Michigan--did pretty well by us. [Laughter]

The nicest thing is the old congressional district that I represented, they gave me 85 percent of the vote. I must tell you about one precinct. It is down in a rural area, a good agricultural area called Overrizen. They have a lot of good Dutchmen there and they know how to vote. [Laughter] They have three churches and a couple of gas stations and a school. And when they added up all the votes last Tuesday--595 for Ford and 2 for Mr. Reagan.

I don't expect to do quite that well here in Santa Clara County, but what I do hope we can do is convince the people of San Jose, Santa Clara County, and the people of California that the programs we have implemented, which we can summarize very quickly--the restoration of public confidence in the White House, the turning around of our economy from the serious economic recession, with good policies, so that we are on the upswing where I think we can have, if we don't get sidetracked by the Congress, a solid and very prosperous economy in the months ahead.

Number three, because of our military capability, because of our diplomatic skill, we can maintain the peace that we have achieved and give us the opportunity to strengthen the moral fibers and protect the freedom that all of us love and cherish so much in this great country.
Thank you all very much.

Note: The President spoke at 12:40 p.m. in the Ridder Room at the Center for the Performing Arts.

As printed above, this items follows the text of the White House press release.

Gerald R. Ford, Remarks at a President Ford Committee Reception in San Jose. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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