Photo of Donald Trump

Remarks on Signing an Executive Order and Memorandums on Government Ethics, National Security Council and Homeland Security Council Organization, and Counterterrorism Strategy, and an Exchange With Reporters

January 28, 2017

The President. So this is a 5-year lobbying ban. And this is all of the people—most of the people standing behind me will not be able to go to work—[laughter]—or do anything adverse to our wonderful country. Okay, 5-year ban. It's a 2-year ban now, and it's got—full of loopholes. This is a 5-year ban, so you have one last chance to get out. [Laughter] Does anybody want to get out? Good. I had a feeling you were going to say that.

[At this point, the President signed the Executive order titled "Ethics Commitments by Executive Branch Appointees."]

This was something—the 5-year ban—that I've been talking about a lot on the campaign trail, and we are now putting it into effect.

White House Chief of Staff Reinhold R. "Reince" Priebus. National Security Council.

The President. This is the organization of the National Security Council and the Homeland Security Council. You know pretty much what it represents. It represents a lot and also a lot of efficiency and, I think, a lot of additional safety. People have been talking about doing this for a long time, like, many years.

[The President signed the memorandum on organization of the National Security Council and the Homeland Security Council. He then handed the pen to Vice President Michael R. Pence.]

Okay. Here, Mr. Vice President.

Vice President Pence. Thank you, Mr. President.

The President. This is the plan to defeat the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, in other words, ISIS. I think it's going to be very successful.

[The President signed the memorandum on the plan to defeat the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.]

Okay, that's big stuff. Have a good weekend.

Executive Order Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into the United States

Q. Is your Government prepared to implement the immigration Executive order that you issued yesterday?

The President. Totally.

Q. And is it a Muslim ban?

The President. Totally. It's not a Muslim ban, but we are totally prepared. It's working out very nicely. You see it at the airports; you see it all over. It's working out very nicely. And we're going to have a very, very strict ban, and we're going to have extreme vetting, which we should have had in this country for many years.

Thank you, everybody. Thank you very much.

NOTE: The President spoke at 4:38 p.m. in the Oval Office at the White House. In his remarks, he referred to Executive Order 13769. The transcript, prepared for immediate release by the Office of the Press Secretary, was received by the Office of the Federal Register on July 27.

Donald J. Trump (1st Term), Remarks on Signing an Executive Order and Memorandums on Government Ethics, National Security Council and Homeland Security Council Organization, and Counterterrorism Strategy, and an Exchange With Reporters Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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