Barack Obama photo

Remarks on Signing a Memorandum on a Student Aid Bill of Rights To Help Ensure Affordable Loan Repayment

March 10, 2015

Well, this is an opportunity to get a head start on what we're going to be talking about down in Atlanta, Georgia. One of the things that's been uppermost on my mind is, how do we make sure that every young person in this country who is willing to put in the effort can afford to go to college? And as part of that overall process, we're going to be talking today about a Student Bill of Rights.

This is part of it. It's an executive action that we're able to take to streamline and improve the manner in which the Federal Government interacts with students when it comes to student loans, and it will be part of a broader overview that I talk about while we're in Atlanta. All right?

[At this point, the President signed the memorandum.]

There you go. Thank you, everybody. Let's get on the plane. Thank you.

NOTE: The President spoke at 10:13 a.m. in the Oval Office at the White House.

Barack Obama, Remarks on Signing a Memorandum on a Student Aid Bill of Rights To Help Ensure Affordable Loan Repayment Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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