Remarks in a Telephone Conversation Congratulating the Super Bowl Champion Dallas Cowboys
The President. Jerry?
Jerry Jones. Mr. President.
The President. How are you doing, man?
Mr. Jones. Bill, I'm telling you, I appreciate this call so much.
The President. Congratulations.
Mr. Jones. Thank you.
The President. I'll tell you what, this is a lot bigger deal at home than me getting elected President. [Laughter]
Mr. Jones. I'll tell you this right now, you were an inspiration to us.
The President. Great.
Mr. Jones. I saw how to get out on a knee and come back up swinging.
The President. Thanks, man. This is great.
Mr. Jones. Well, I really appreciate this call. And I've got Jimmy standing by me.
The President. Thanks. I've got somebody who wants to say hi to you, and then I want to talk to Jimmy.
Mr. Jones. Okay, fine.
Gov. Ann Richards. Jerry, it's Ann Richards. Listen, I got to watch the ball game in the White House with Mario Cuomo.
Mr. Jones. Ann, you are wonderful for calling us.
Governor Richards. It was absolutely wonderful. And let me tell you, we gave him the hardest time in the world.
Mr. Jones. Well, you've answered my question: You didn't go easy on him then, did you?
Governor Richards. No, darlin', we did not let our foot off his neck.
Mr. Jones. Did you tell him you hadn't been to one we lost? [Laughter]
Governor Richards. Here's the President. We're so proud of you. You tell Emmitt Smith that he's number one for me.
Mr. Jones. Thank you, Governor. Thank you. Hey, Mr. President.
The President. Yes, yes.
Mr. Jones. Thank you so much for calling. I can't tell you what it means.
The President. Thanks, Jerry.
Mr. Jones. And here's Jimmy. Here's Jimmy. Jimmy Johnson. Hello, Mr. President.
The President. Jimmy, how are you doing? Congratulations.
Mr. Johnson. Well, thank you. I think you understand how much we put into this thing and where we are. I'll tell you, it's a great feeling for all of our guys.
The President. Well, you've come a long way in a short time and with a lot of courage. And I'll tell you, I watched your team all year long just basically wear everybody down by hanging in there, and it was amazing what you did.
Mr. Johnson. Well, you know a little bit about perseverance yourself, so I understand.
The President. Well, I really admire what you did. And this is a great night for you, and I want you to get back to your players. I just wanted to say hello and we're proud of you.
Mr. Johnson. Thank you a lot, Mr. President.
The President. Goodbye, Jimmy.
NOTE: The President spoke at 9:59 p.m. from the State Floor at the White House. In his remarks, he referred to Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones and head coach Jimmy Johnson.
William J. Clinton, Remarks in a Telephone Conversation Congratulating the Super Bowl Champion Dallas Cowboys Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project