YESTERDAY Mrs. Johnson and I traveled west from Washington, along with a number of Congressmen and Governors, to visit the atomic reactor testing station in Idaho, one of our leading universities in Denver, and a promising new industrial development in Oklahoma.
We saw in a few hours three of the basic elements of the American West of 1966:
--One was the powerful influence of modern science.
--Another was the advancement of education and its meaning to all human progress.
--The third was the growth of industry with its new jobs and new dollars, made possible in part by the wise stewardship of our natural resources.
I wish my schedule had been flexible enough to stop off in Glacier Park and attend the Western States Democratic Conference. Then I would have seen two more vital elements of this great section of America:
--a spectacular national playground and scenic wonder;
--and perhaps the most important of all, the men and women whose leadership gives life and meaning to all of these other things.
Since I couldn't be with you in person, I'm grateful for this opportunity to greet you by telephone and wish you well in your good work.
The 89th Congress will soon become history--and what a bright chapter in history it will be.
It has passed more landmark legislation than any other Congress--the elementary and secondary education act, the higher education act, voting rights, Medicare, traffic safety, and many more.
So I want to thank you for helping elect a wise and responsible Congress to carry forward the program of the Great Society. I know your efforts this year will be just as effective.
But I am mindful that no Congress and no President can solve all of the problems of 20th century America.
A great segment of our leadership resides in the States--in your Governors and legislatures and in those of you who guide the policies of our party.
So much of what we do requires the closest cooperation and mutual respect among all levels of government.
We cannot be satisfied until our air is clean and all of our rivers, lakes, and bays are free of pollution.
We cannot be satisfied until all of our streets and neighborhoods are safe from crime.
We cannot be satisfied until all of our people have equal rights, and as good an education as they can get, and enough medical care, and decent homes and good jobs.
Your communities and States have very heavy responsibilities in accomplishing these objectives.
No country on earth has ever had more freedom, greater wealth, or a higher standard of living for so many people.
The fact that we are still not satisfied-that we are still concerned about those who do not yet share in these advantages--is, to me, the mark of a noble people.
I deeply appreciate your support of this administration's program. I am especially grateful that you would depart from your regular business to give us encouragement in our policies in Southeast Asia.
Please continue to give us your wise counsel and strong leadership in the coming weeks and months.
Know that we value your work, and know that the time and energy you devote to the Democratic Party are important contributions to your country.
Note: The President spoke at 1:30 p.m. by telephone from the LBJ Ranch at Johnson City, Texas, to the 13-State conference of Western Democratic leaders meeting in Glacier National Park, Mont. During his remarks he referred to a resolution, passed unanimously by the conference, expressing support for the President's efforts to secure a peaceful settlement of the Vietnam conflict.
As printed above, this item follows the text released by the White House Press Office.
Lyndon B. Johnson, Remarks by Telephone to the Members of the Western States Democratic Conference. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project