Thank you very much, Chancellor Kohl, Mrs. Kohl, Oberburgermeister Schulte, Mrs. Schulte. How did I do with that? Okay? I said the word almost alright?
Hillary and I are very honored to be here tonight in Chancellor Kohl's hometown. When we were coming here on the bus, of course, I saw much of the unique and rich history of Germany, including the marvelous cathedral at Worms, where Martin Luther tacked his theses to the door, as Chancellor Kohl has said. But I also saw the fields of the farms, which reminded me of my home, and the small towns which made me feel at home. And more importantly, when we got out down the street and began to walk down here, I felt a sense of friendship, a sense of real contact with people that, too often, leaders of great nations don't get in this day and time.
And so, Hillary and I would like to thank you for making us feel at home and for your friendship toward the United States and for reminding us that behind all the decisions that leaders in public life make, there are real people whose lives will be affected, children whose future will be shaped, and our obligation every day is to remember the faces of our homes.
So I thank you for your friendship to my country. I thank you for your outpouring of friendship today. And I thank you for making Hillary and me feel as if we, too, are at home.
Thank you very much.
NOTE: The President spoke at approximately 6:40 p.m. in front of the residence of Chancellor Helmut Kohl of Germany. In his remarks, he referred to Hannelore Kohl, wife of the Chancellor, Dr. Wolfgang Schulte, Lord Mayor of Oggersheim, and his wife, Dr. Dorothee Schulte.
William J. Clinton, Remarks to the Citizens of Oggersheim, Germany Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project