Thank you.
In 24 days, we are going to win the state of Maine and we are going to win the White House.
Make sure to get your absentee ballots.
Together, we are going to deliver real change that puts America First.
My economic agenda can be summed up in three very beautiful words: jobs, jobs, jobs.
We are going to renegotiate our terrible trade deals, end illegal immigration, stop the massive inflow of refugees, reduce surging crime, cut taxes and regulations, lift the restrictions on American energy, end common core, and repeal and replace the disaster known as Obamacare.
We are also going to replace a failed political class that has betrayed our workers, spent trillions on endless foreign wars without victory, and destroyed our middle class.
Your jobs will come back under a Trump Administration. Your incomes will go up under a Trump Administration. Your taxes will go way down under a Trump Administration. Your energy bills will go way down under a Trump Administration. Your companies won't be leaving Maine under a Trump Administration.
We are going to be a rich country again.
We are also going to end government corruption.
Hillary speaks in secret to Goldman Sachs – her private position – then lies to you, the public, with her public position. It's all a fraud.
Hillary Clinton deleted 33,000 emails – after a Congressional Subpoena – she lied to Congress under oath, she made 13 phones disappear, some with a hammer, and now we learn 2 boxes of email evidence mysteriously went missing.
Hillary Clinton should have been prosecuted, and gone to jail for her crimes. The FBI and the Department of Justice created a fraud in allowing Hillary Clinton to get away with her terrible crimes – and I guarantee you, the Clintons are laughing at them. The Director's performance in Congress, coupled with Bill Clinton's clandestine meeting on the tarmac in the Attorney General's airplane just prior to decision-time on Hillary – supposedly talking about golf and grandchildren – is perhaps the lowest point in those department's history.
Instead of being held accountable, Hillary is running for President in what looks like a rigged election. The election is being rigged by corrupt media, pushing false allegations and outright lies, in an effort to elect her President.
But we are going to stop it. We are not going to back down. We are not going to let it happen.
We have only just begun to fight.
Americans have had it with the years, the decades, of Clinton Corruption. This will finally be the year the American people say: Enough is Enough.
Speaking in secret to a foreign bank Hillary Clinton said her dream is for totally "open trade and open borders." Hillary and Bill raise millions of dollars from global interest groups who have no allegiance to this country or its workers.
By "open trade," she means foreign countries can cheat us out of millions of jobs and trillions of dollars.
By "open borders," she means totally unlimited immigration.
Either we win the election, or we lose the country.
Hillary's plan includes an open border with the Middle East – meaning generations of radicalism within our shores. She wants us to follow the path of France and Germany and import terrorism directly into the United States.
So let me state this as clearly as I can. If I'm elected President I am going to keep Radical Islamic Terrorists out of our country.
We will also stop the crisis of illegal immigration.
A Trump Administration will secure and defend our borders. And yes, we will build a wall.
We have the first-ever endorsement from our ICE and Border Patrol officers.
It was just reported that a man deported from our country 10 times in six years has been charged with raping a 12-year old girl. In August, Texas Police arrested a serial illegal immigrant rapist who had been deported five times, including one 68 year-old woman with a cane who took his offer to drive her home. He left her on the side of a dirt road.
What kind of government allows its own people to suffer such horrors?
As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton allowed thousands of criminal aliens to be released because their home countries wouldn't take them back. Among those she allowed to go free was a criminal alien who had previously been convicted for shooting a girl in the head – after his release, he viciously murdered a young girl name Casey Chadwick.
A wall will not only keep out criminals, but it will also keep out the drugs and heroin poisoning our youth.
Drugs overdoses in Maine are on a record pace.
I have outlined a plan to stop the opioid crisis. My plan begins with a strong border, includes the prosecution of drug dealers, and dramatically expands access to life-saving treatments that will help people unchain themselves from this terrible addiction.
But, if we are going to bring hope back to suffering Americans, we must also solve our jobs crisis.
At the center of our economic revival will be fixing our terrible trade deals.
47 million Americans are in poverty and 45 million Americans are on Food Stamps.
We have nearly an $800 billion annual trade deficit in goods with the world, and the worst so-called recovery since the Great Depression.
This is the legacy of Obama-Clinton.
When I am President, everything will change. We will move people from the welfare rolls to the employment rolls. We will end our chronic trade deficits. We will start growing again.
We'll rebuild our roads, schools, bridges, tunnels, railways, hospitals and airports.
The state of Maine has lost nearly 1 in 3 manufacturing jobs since NAFTA, signed by Bill Clinton and supported by Hillary Clinton.
Since China entered the World Trade Organization – another Bill and Hillary-backed deal – 70,000 factories have shut down or left the United States.
That's 15 factories closing a day, on average.
We are living through the greatest jobs theft in the history of the world.
If I win, day one, we are going to announce our plans to renegotiate NAFTA. If we don't get the deal we want, we'll leave NAFTA and start over to get a much better deal.
We are going to start making things in America again.
As part of our plan to bring back our jobs, we are going to lower our business tax from 35 percent to 15 percent.
We will lower taxes massively on all Americans – Hillary will raise your taxes massively. Our biggest reductions will be for the working and middle class – this includes letting parents deduct the cost of childcare.
Reagan's tax cuts in the eighties, and Kennedy's tax cuts in the sixties, brought us tremendous growth. My economic reforms – on taxes, trade, regulation and American energy – will produce at least 25 million newjobs in a decade. It's the most pro-growth economic plan in American history.
We are also going to protect the right of the people of Maine to use their own land.
President Obama, with the support of politicians like Hillary Clinton, issued an executive order 2 months ago making over 87,000 acres in Maine into a new "National Monument." No consideration was made for local concerns, impacts to jobs, or the Maine forestry sector. No approval by Congress. Your state legislature opposed it. It is just another federal overreach that is going to do more harm than good. Obama and Clinton don't care that this area badly needs jobs and growth and that this decision -- done at the stroke of the pen without the support of the local community-- undermines the people that live and work here in Maine.
But we are going to turn it all around. America's comeback begins on November 8th.
Here are some of the amazing things we are going to do for our country starting in 2017:
We are going to have the biggest tax cut since Ronald Reagan; eliminate every unnecessary regulation; defend religious liberty; reduce the cost of tuition; provide school choice to every low-income child in America; rebuild our depleted military and take care of our vets; support the men and women of law enforcement; repeal and replace Obamacare; save the 2nd amendment; and appoint Justices to the Supreme Court who will uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States.
You have 24 days to make every dream you ever dreamed of for your country come true.
On November 8th, the arrogance of Washington D.C. will come face to face with the righteous verdict of the American voter.
I am going to fight for every citizen, of every background, from every stretch of this nation.
I'm going to fight for every child living in poverty. I'm going to fight for every mom whose lost her child to illegal immigration, and drugs and gang violence.
I'm going to fight for every worker who deserves a raise, and for every community whose jobs and dreams have been ripped out and shipped to other countries.
I'm going to fight for every person in this country who believes government should serve the people – not the donors.
I'm going to fight for every patriotic citizen that Hillary Clinton slanders as deplorable and irredeemable – and I am going to be a President for all of our citizens.
I am going to fight to bring us together as Americans.
Imagine what our country could accomplish if we started working together as One People, under One God, saluting One American Flag.
You're going to look back at this rally for the rest of your life. You're going to remember this day. This is a movement like you've never seen before. We're going to make history together. You're going to look back at this election, and say this is by far the most important vote you've ever cast for anyone at any time.
Once again, we are going to have a government of, by and for the people.
We will make America wealthy again.
We will make America powerful again.
We will make America strong again.
We will make America safe again.
And we will make America great again.
NOTE: As prepared for delivery.
Donald J. Trump (1st Term), Remarks at the Cross Insurance Center in Bangor, Maine Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project