Mr. Chairman and ladies and gentlemen:
Anyone who has spent 40 years in the armed services could not possibly meet such a gathering as this without seeking for words in which to express a very deep and very lasting appreciation for the work you are undertaking.
The soldier abroad does not lead a particularly happy life, particularly in all of those things that have to do with his home, his community, and his country. He gets a sense of isolation.
As I see it, the big thing that the United Defense Fund does, and through a number of channels, is to keep that man understanding that he is part of America, no matter where he comes from, what may be his city, what may be his race, or his religion--he still thinks, through this kind of effort, primarily of America, and of himself as an American.
Napoleon once said that the moral is to the physical in war as three is to one. And every soldier since then has wondered why Napoleon was such a piker in the ratio that he gave. I would say that ten to one would be a far closer approximation of the truth.
Nobody can win anything in the world unless he believes he can win; unless therefore he is ready to dedicate himself, all his efforts and all his talents, to that job. That is esprit. That is morale. You have got to have something in which to believe. You have got to have leaders, organization, friendships, and contacts that help you to believe that, and help you to put out your best.
Now that is the kind of thing that you people are doing for the American armed services, no matter where they are. It is a terribly important function. And so, while I could have found many ways, I suppose, had I taken time to say this in shorter time, in more succinct and emphatic words, I do say again: thank you all very sincerely.
I thank General Bradley, my old comrade in arms, my classmate from West Point, my great associate in World War II, for taking the job of the chairmanship of this great organization for this coming year. I would guarantee his success because I, have made that kind of commitment before, and always came through. And I want to thank another of my old comrades, Jimmy Doolittle, for what he did in the year just passed. Indeed, we have concocted an opportunity for me to do again what I have so often done in the past, and that is to give Jimmy a decoration. This is in the form of a Citation which with your indulgence I will read.
For Distinguished Service in mobilizing leadership throughout the country and for stimulating support of the voluntary services designed to strengthen the national defense program.
Note: The President spoke in the Rose Garden at 9:30 a.m. His opening words "Mr. Chairman" referred to Lt. Gen. James H. Doolittle.
Dwight D. Eisenhower, Remarks to the Leaders of the United Defense Fund. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project