Jimmy Carter photo

Remarks at the Welcoming Ceremony in Panama City, Panama

June 16, 1978

President Lakas, General Torrijos, my friends from Panama and the United States, and to the children from the schools of Panama who so enthusiastically have sung our national anthems:

To all of them, I wish to express my thanks for having given such a happy beginning to our visit. Thank you.

I have looked forward to this trip for a long time. As all of you know, the relations between the United States and Panama have been an important part of my daily work since the day I became President. I have learned a great deal about the history and accomplishments of the Panamanian nation, and about the pride and determination of the Panamanian people. So, I don't come to you as a stranger, but as a friend and partner.

Throughout the long negotiations and debate on the canal treaties, our two nations have been blessed with the continuing encouragement of our friends in the hemisphere. I especially appreciate the fact that the leaders of five Latin American and Caribbean democracies are here in Panama today as a testimony to the significance of this historic transfer.

We meet as neighbors—some richer, some larger, some with resources vital to the others, each with different needs and problems. But we share the common goal of creating a world where all people may devote their energies to improving human life.

In the years since World War II, much of the Earth's geography has been redrawn—colonial empires have dissolved, and new, sovereign nations have been born. The control of many of the passages, both natural and manmade, that connect the Earth's lands and seas has shifted from one nation to another. Too much blood, too much strife, too much bitterness, have gone into many of these changes.

But transferring control of the Panama Canal continues and strengthens the bond that was forged between our nations in its building. There will be no bloodshed, no bitterness, no instant when the path between the Earth's two great oceans will be closed.

This is a moment of great historic promise. The nations of our hemisphere are embarking on a new, more equal relationship. For 75 years the United States and Panama have been friends. Now we will also be partners, setting an example for the world of how nations can resolve their differences peacefully and to their mutual benefit, thus ensuring that the responsible, long-term management of an important international resource, instead of being endangered, will be forever guaranteed.

Thank you.

Note: The President spoke at 3:10 p.m. at Tocumen International Airport in Panama City in response to remarks by Brig. Gen. Omar Torrijos Herrera, Chief of the Government and Commander of the National Guard of Panama. Demetrio B. Lakas is President of Panama.

The President spoke in Spanish, and the translation of his remarks follows the transcript.

Jimmy Carter, Remarks at the Welcoming Ceremony in Panama City, Panama Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/248744

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