The Congress has passed and there will be submitted to me within a day or two, for my approval or disapproval, the Soldiers' Voting Bill.
In it are certain provisions, which, in order to be effective, require certification by the Governor of a State that the use of Federal ballots provided for by the bill is authorized by the laws of such State.
To enable me to form an opinion as to the effectiveness of this measure I should appreciate it if you could at once advise me by wire:
(1) whether the use of supplementary Federal ballots provided for by this bill is, in your judgment, now authorized by the laws of your State, and
(2) if the use of these ballots is not authorized by the laws of your State whether, in your judgment, if the bill becomes law, steps will be taken to enable you to certify prior to July 15 that the use of such ballots is authorized by the laws of your State. A copy of the bill has been sent you by air mail.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Request that Governors Report on the Effectiveness of the Soldier Vote Bill Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project