Richardson Campaign Press Release - Governor Bill Richardson Says Plans of Clinton, Obama, and Edwards Will Not End Iraq War, Reiterates Call for All U.S. Troops to Leave Iraq
Richardson offers bold plan to build and equip U.S. military for 21st century
WASHINGTON, DC-- In a major policy speech today at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C., New Mexico Governor and Democratic Presidential candidate Bill Richardson again called for the removal of all U.S. troops from Iraq so as to find a diplomatic solution to the war and stabilize the region. Richardson strongly criticized President Bush's strategy for, and execution of, the war and clarified that he is the only major Democratic Presidential candidate whose plan actually will end the war.
"After seven years of this administration, we have come to expect that President Bush will make the wrong call on the important issues," Richardson said. "However, I expected more-- much more-- from my fellow Democrats in the race. Our troops are targets-- over 3,800 brave Americans have lost their lives. 170,000 still are at risk. Senator Clinton reportedly has said that she still might well have troops in Iraq at the end of a second term, nine years from now. Senator Obama and John Edwards are unwilling to commit to removing all of our troops by the end of their first term, five years from now. I am opposed to five years or nine years or any more years of our troops dying."
"I deeply respect my Democratic colleagues, but they are wrong. Their plans simply will not end this war. It is going to take more than a sound bite and more than waiting and seeing; it is going to take decisive leadership. This is no time for political calculation or hopeful caution. Our troops' lives are on the line. We need a responsible, comprehensive strategy to end the war and the strength to execute it."
Governor Richardson warned that the United States military must be prepared to handle a post-Iraq War world and offered a plan to modernize the military. The plan establishes a defense strategy and budget that are more efficient, responsible, and better prepared to handle the threats and realities of the 21st century.
"Nearly five years after the initial invasion of Iraq, our military is battle-tested but war-weary," Richardson said. "Bush and Cheney threw our troops into the fire in Iraq; now we must forge from that fire something stronger and more adaptable to the new dangers we face. We need to learn from Iraq and make sure that our military is prepared to deter, fight, and win the wars of the future. To fight 21st century wars, we need a 21st century military."
"We can strengthen and expand our military through several reforms. We need selection and promotion policies that enhance the skill sets needed for counterinsurgency, peacekeeping, conflict resolution, and training foreign militaries."
Richardson also discussed the reordering of defense budget priorities.
"I have a plan that includes $57 billion in specific cuts to unnecessary Pentagon spending, freeing up resources for essential needs," Richardson said. "We need to invest less in planes and more in people-- less in outdated missiles and more in state-of-the-art troops. When I am President, we will stop wasting billions of dollars on Cold War weapons systems designed to fight a long extinct Soviet empire. We will save tens of billions of dollars more by stopping the construction of unnecessary new nuclear weapons."
"We need two more Active Army divisions and one additional Active Marine Corps division. This will expand our military by some 50,000 troops and give us the flexibility we need for 21st century missions."
Governor Richardson delivered the address to a group of distinguished military officials and foreign policy experts at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C.
To read Governor Richardson's speech on, and plan for, the responsible way forward for Iraq and our military, click here.
Bill Richardson, Richardson Campaign Press Release - Governor Bill Richardson Says Plans of Clinton, Obama, and Edwards Will Not End Iraq War, Reiterates Call for All U.S. Troops to Leave Iraq Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/294536