Richardson Campaign Press Release - New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson's Political Momentum Continues to Build in the Latino Community
ORLANDO, FL -- Since announcing his bid to become the first Latino President Governor Bill Richardson has gained significant political support from Latino activists, political organizers, elected officials and senior officials from across the country.
"I am extremely honored and proud of the tremendous support I am receiving from the Latino community," stated Governor Bill Richardson. "As I travel the country and have the opportunity to talk with Latinos, my support continues to grow. This election is about empowering the grassroots to get involved in our electoral process. I am happy that the Latino population will play such an important role in deciding who our next President will be."
Earlier this week polls showed that Governor Richardson continues to build strong upward momentum across the board, particularly in Iowa and New Hampshire.
"If the caucuses were held today, who would you support?"
John Edwards |
31% |
Hillary Clinton |
23% |
Bill Richardson |
18% |
Barack Obama |
16% |
Joe Biden |
3% |
Dennis Kucinich |
2% |
Chris Dodd |
0% |
Other |
1% |
Don't Know/NA |
8% |
The poll of 500 likely Iowa caucus-goers was conducted for the Richardson campaign by Fairbank, Maslin, Maullin and Associates June 18-20, 2007 and has a margin of error of + 4.4%.
*Among "likeliest" caucus-goers (representing just over 40% of the sample -- voters who attended the 2004 caucuses, voted in the 2006 primary, and say they are definite to attend next year's caucus)
Clinton -- 37 percent
Obama -- 19 percent
Edwards -- 9 percent
Richardson -- 9 percent
undecided -- 16 percent
WHDH-TV/Suffolk University poll of 500 likely New Hampshire voters released on June 27, 2007 with a margin of error of +/-4%.
Below is a list of Latinos endorsing Governor Bill Richardson for President:
Members of Congress
Congressman Silvestre Reyes, TX
Congressman Ed Pastor, AZ
Congressman Solomon Ortiz, TX
Presidential Appointees
Henry Cisneros, Former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Clinton Administration
Mickey Ibarra, Former Director of White House Intergovernmental Affairs, Clinton Administration
Ed Romero, Former Ambassador to Spain, Clinton Administration & Richardson for President National Finance Chair
Rick Hernandez, Deputy Assistant to President Clinton
Ana "Cha" Guzman, Educator and Businesswoman, Chair of President Clinton's White House Commission on Educational Excellence for Hispanic Americans, President of Palo Alto College
Gloria Molina, Los Angeles County Supervisor
Tony Cardenas, City Councilman, City of Los Angeles
Lou Correa, State Senator, Santa Ana
Gilbert Cedillo, State Senator, Los Angeles
Denise Mareno-Ducheny, State Senator, San Diego
Joe Coto, Assembly Member, San Jose
Marsha Ramos, Mayor of Burbank
Sal Tiuajero, City Councilman, Santa Clara
Michele Martinez, Councilwoman, Santa Ana
Martha M. Escutia, former State Senator, Chair of Latino Caucus
Lori Saldana, Assembly Member, San Diego
Luis Aguinaga, Councilman, Aguinaga El Monte
Robert Fuentes, Basset School Board
Felipe E. Agredano (MTS), President Garvey Board of Education
Irene Redondo-Churchward, Executive Director Spiritt Family Services
Christopher Robles, CDP Executive Board Member Region 6 Vice Chair
Pete Gallego, TX State Representative, Chair of the Mexican American Legislative Caucus
Rick Noreiga, TX State Representative
Domingo Garcia, Former Dallas City Councilor
JD Salinas III, Hidalgo City Judge
Tony Villarreal, Mayor of Ft. Stockton
Gil Coronado, Retired Colonel
Ygnacio D. "Nacho" Garza, Former Mayor of Brownsville
Sylvia Romo, Bexar City Tax Assessor & Former State Representative
Frank Santos, President of Santos Alliances
Gilberto Ocanas, Businessman and Democratic Activist
Rolando Rios, Attorney and Businessman
Sam Zamarripa, Former Georgia State Senator
Virgilio Perez Pascoe, Executive Fellow at Center for Hispanic Studies, Kennesaw State
Steve Gallardo, State House Representative, House Minority Whip, Phoenix
David Lujan, State House Representative, Phoenix
John Laredo, Former Minority Leader
Mr. Ronnie Lopez, Former Chief of Staff to Governor Bruce Babbitt
New Hampshire
Lily Mesa, State House Representative, Manchester
Carlos Gonzalez, Former State Representative, Manchester
Jose Parra, Goffstown
Sonia Parra, Goffstown
Diane Padilla, Weare
Anna Lopez, Manchester
Eva Castillo, Manchester
Fernando Hilarion, Manchester
Erlyn Martinez, Manchester
Angel Colon, Manchester
Cesar Fernandez, Manchester
Pete Escalera, Manchester
Margarita Fernandez-Letkowski, Manchester
Rodrigo Mena, Nashua
Juan Carlos Munoz, Nashua
Gustavo Moral, Bedford
Ernesto Sagas, Manchester
Ron Abramson, Concord
New Mexico
Toney Anaya, Former Governor
Jerry Apodaca, Former Governor
Roberto Mondragon, Former Lieutenant Governor
Mary Herrera, New Mexico Secretary of State and NALEO Board Member
Ben Lujan, New Mexico Speaker of the New Mexico House of Representatives
Ben D. Altamirano, New Mexico State Senate Pro Tempore
Marty Chavez, Mayor of Albuquerque
Hector Balderas, New Mexico State Auditor
Mary Jane M. Garcia, State Senator, Majority Whip
Phil A. Griego, State Senator
Richard C. Martinez, State Senator
Pete Campos, State Senator
Jose A. Campos, State Representative
Mary Helen Garcia, State Representative
Ken Martinez, State Representative
Antonio "Moe" Maestas, State Representative
Al Park, State Representative
Edward Sandoval, State Representative
Nick L. Salazar, State Representative
Jim R. Trujillo, State Representative
Ben Ray Lujan, Chair of Public Regulation Commission
Jim Baca, Former Mayor of Albuquerque, Former Director of the National Bureau of Land Management, Clinton Administration
Joseph Maestas, Mayor of Española
Henry Sanchez, Mayor of Las Vegas
Annadelle Sanchez, New Mexico Democratic Party Vice Chair / DNC Member
Virginia Vigil, Santa Fe City Commissioner
Valerie Espinoza, Santa Fe County Clerk
Harry Montoya, Santa Fe County Commissioner
Patsy Trujillo, Deputy Cabinet Secretary / Former State Representative
Don Francisco Trujillo II, Deputy Secretary of State and NALEO Board Member
South Carolina
Diana Salazar, Community Activist
Margarita Prentice, State Senator, Chair of Ways & Means Committee
Ross Romero, State Senator
Reynaldo Martinez, Nevada Campaign Chairman and Former Chief of Staff to Senator Reid
Carlos Blumberg, Attorney-at-Law
John F. Mendoza, Retired Judge/Community Leader
Luisa Mendoza, Entrepreneur/Community Leader
Holly Johnson-Troncoso, Community Leader, Education Leader
Jose G. Troncoso, Former U.S. Marshal/Community Leader
Dr. Agustin Orci, Educational Leader
Xavier Rivas, Community Activist/Radio Talk Personality
Rosemary Flores, Community Leader
Dr. Raquel Casas, Community Leader
Alejandro Alvarez, Entrepreneur/Community Leader
Gus Ramos, Community Leader/Seniors Advocate
Dr. Letitia Medina Worth, Education Leader
Horacio Lopez, Entrepreneur/Community Leader
George T. Lopez, Entrepreneur/Community Leader
Robert Agonia, Retired IRS Agent/Community Leader
Sylvia Lazos, Professor of Law, University of Nevada-Las Vegas/Community Leader
Michael Pariente, Attorney-at-Law, Pariente Law Firm
Larry Mason, Board of School Trustee,Clark County School District
Dr. Emma Guzman Professor, University of Nevada-Reno/Community Activist
Alma Garcia-Vining , Education Leader/University of Nevada-Las Vegas
Eva Garcia-Mendoza, Attorney-at-Law, Mendoza-Snavely Law Firm
Luis Valera, Community Leader
Francisco Aguilar, Associate General Counsel, Southwest Gas/Community Leader
Eloiza Martinez, Immediate Past President, Latin Chamber of Commerce
Elizabeth Gallagher, Community & National Leader/Vice-Chair, U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
Susie Martinez, Community Leader/Assistant to Mayor Pro Tem
Felipe Ortiz, Immediate Past President, National Latino Peace Officers Association
Peter Guzman, Entrepreneur/Community Leader
Gabriela Wyett, Bank Administrator/Political Organization Leader
Rudy Prieto, CEO, Colony Resorts/Las Vegas Hilton
Daniel Medrano, Labor Leader
Senior Advisors & Senior Campaign Staff
Mike Stratton, Senior Advisor
Andre Pineda, Pollster
Ben Chao, National Deputy Political Director
Dan Sena, National Field Director
Tara Geise, Chief Financial Officer
Carlos Trujillo, Western States Political Director
Michelle Mayorga, Mid Western States Political Director/Florida Political Director
David Negrete, Iowa Political Director
Ed Espinosa, Nevada Field Director
Alexandra Sanchez, Deputy Research Director
Javier Trujillo, NV Political Director
Fernando Romero, NV Hispanic Outreach
Joaquin Guerra, Internet/Web
Bill Richardson, Richardson Campaign Press Release - New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson's Political Momentum Continues to Build in the Latino Community Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/295482