SANTA FE, NM - Governor Bill Richardson's campaign today released the third "Job Interview" TV ad in the series that has become the talk of the Presidential campaign. The spot features Governor Richardson making the case that, under his stewardship, "no other state has done as much as New Mexico" to fight global warming.
To view the ad, fact sheet and background document, please go to:
"This ad was fun to make - watch the ending - you'll see why, but global warming is a serious subject that I think is critically important for the health of our planet. I think this ad communicates that in a memorable way," said Governor Bill Richardson.
Recent New Hampshire and Iowa polling has shown the Governor climbing into contention with between 8-10 percent of the primary and caucus vote. This polling comes on the heels of Governor Richardson's groundbreaking TV ad campaign - the first major presidential candidate to run humorous advertising in modern political history.
"We've gotten a tremendous response to both these ads and the Governor's record," said campaign manager Dave Contarino. "The excitement over the interview ads is clearly helping drive the Governor's rise in the polls in both Iowa and New Hampshire, where the ads have run."
In the new ad, Governor Richardson points out to the skeptical job interviewer that under his leadership, New Mexico passed tax credits for wind, solar and bio-fuels energy production. Utility companies are now required to produce energy from renewable sources, and he set tough standards to reduce greenhouse emissions.
The League of Conservation Voters has praised Governor Richardson's environmental proposals as the most aggressive plan of any candidate for president, saying "Richardson sets the highest goals for reducing global warming pollution and increasing production from renewable energy sources." Sierra Club President Carl Pope said Governor Richardson's plan "raised the bar" in the fight against global warming, and is "much more aggressive than anything we've seen so far from the candidates. It is also significantly better elaborated ..."
To read more of Governor Richardson's Clean Energy plan, please go to:
The new commercial will begin running Monday, June 11th on broadcast affiliates and cable systems in Iowa, and will begin running soon thereafter in New Hampshire. The Governor's campaign commercials were produced by Steve Murphy and Mark Putnam of Murphy Putnam Media in Alexandria, Virginia.
Bill Richardson, Richardson Campaign Press Release - Richardson Airs Third "Job Interview" TV Ad Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project