Richardson Campaign Press Release - Richardson Continues To Gain Momentum In New Hampshire
New Hampshire Latinos Endorse Governor Bill Richardson for President
Richardson Campaign Announces New Hampshire Statewide Director, Janis Hahn and Political Director, Daniel McKenna
MANCHESTER, NH -- Today, after jumping to 10% in the latest CNN/USA Today New Hampshire poll of Democratic Presidential candidates, Governor Bill Richardson announced the endorsements of key Latino organizers in New Hampshire and named his statewide director and political director.
"My New Hampshire campaign continues to gain momentum everyday," said Governor Richardson. "I have a strong steering committee and with the addition of Janis and Dan a strong, experienced New Hampshire campaign team that will continue to spread my message to voters around the state. I am very honored and proud of the strong support I am receiving from the Latino community and I look forward to continuing to grow that support in New Hampshire and across the country."
The New Hampshire Latinos for Bill Richardson include:
Representative Lily Mesa (Manchester)
Former State Representative Carlos Gonzalez (Manchester)
Jose Parra (Goffstown)
Sonia Parra (Goffstown)
Diane Padilla (Weare)
Anna Lopez (Manchester)
Eva Castillo (Manchester)
Fernando Hilarion (Manchester)
Erlyn Martinez (Manchester)
Angel Colon (Manchester)
Cesar Fernandez (Manchester)
Pete Escalera (Manchester)
Margarita Fernandez-Letkowski (Manchester)
Rodrigo Mena (Nashua)
Juan Carlos Munoz (Nashua)
Gustavo Moral (Bedford)
Ernesto Sagas (Manchester)
Ron Abramson (Concord)
"Governor Bill Richardson is by far the most qualified candidate in the race for President," stated Former State Representative Carlos Gonzalez, a registered Republican who is changing his party registration in order to vote for Richardson in the Democratic Presidential primary. "His accomplishments as an international broker for peace and as a sitting Governor with support from across the political spectrum speaks louder than words. Through his work for peace and justice, Richardson has made a positive impact in the lives of New Mexicans and, indeed, the lives of all Americans. His strengths come from his experience and his character; he is an example to all people. That is why I will vote for Bill Richardson in the 2008 presidential primary--he represents a new direction for America."
In April, Richardson announced the co-chairs of his New Hampshire steering committee, which include: New Hampshire State Representative Candace Bouchard, Democratic activist Dick Bouley, former New Hampshire Democratic Party State Chair Jeff Woodburn, and former New Hampshire Commissioner of Labor Jim Casey. In May, Richardson announced his New Hampshire Steering Committee with over 30 members including elected officials, Democratic activists, members of the business and professional community, and community leaders from around the state.
Janis Hahn, a political campaign veteran with over 10 years experience in field organizing and campaign management, will be heading up Richardson's New Hampshire statewide efforts. Most recently, Hahn was the President of Hahn and Associates LLC Political and Educational Campaign Consulting. Previously, Hahn was the statewide director for Moving America Forward in Denver, Colorado and the statewide director for Coalition for a Better Colorado.
"Governor Richardson is the best qualified Presidential candidate to solve the very serious problems facing our country," said Janis Hahn. "Richardson is a leader with the proven record and a clear vision to repair the damage of the past six years."
Daniel McKenna, a New Hampshire State Representative from Derry, will serve as Richardson's New Hampshire political director. Previously, McKenna was a regional field director in the greater Salem and Derry area for the New Hampshire Democratic Party. While attending Catholic University in Washington, D.C. McKenna interned with both Senator Edward Kennedy and Senator John Kerry.
Bill Richardson, Richardson Campaign Press Release - Richardson Continues To Gain Momentum In New Hampshire Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/295671