Romney Campaign Press Release - In Case You Missed It: Governor Mitt Romney On Senator Hillary Clinton's Iran Strategy
Fox News' "Fox & Friends"
FOX NEWS' STEVE DOOCY: "What do you make of what's going on over on the Democratic side between Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton?"
GOVERNOR MITT ROMNEY: "Well, I love watching their fights between each other. But, I actually think that Hillary Clinton really distinguished herself in a negative way these last couple of days by saying that she's fighting Iran by turning off lights. You know, 'Take that, Iran.' Fortunately, we have an administration who's using their strength to help convince the Russians to do the right thing in Iran, and to cut off nuclear fuel. But Hillary Clinton is not exactly burnishing her foreign policy credentials with her policy."
To view Governor Romney discussing Iran, please see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QlqJPfywlQo
Governor Romney's Strategy To Prevent A Nuclear Iran:
In January 2007, Governor Romney Laid Out His Five-Point Strategy To Prevent A Nuclear Iran. "But today, I wish to focus on the regime that has become the heart of the Jihadist threat – Iran. I believe that Iran's leaders and ambitions represent the greatest threat to the world since the fall of the Soviet Union, and before that, Nazi Germany. ... A successful strategy on our part has to consider and encompass the people of Iran, as well as their leaders. That being said, let me just talk for a moment about a strategy which I think should be pursued. It includes five major dimensions." (Governor Mitt Romney, Remarks At The Seventh Annual Herzliya Conference, Herzliya, Israel, 1/23/07)
1. Tighten Economic Sanctions. "First, we should continue to tighten the economic sanctions. Our model should be at least as severe as the sanctions we imposed on Apartheid South Africa. We should demand no less from the international community today than we gave then. " (Governor Mitt Romney, Remarks At The Seventh Annual Herzliya Conference, Herzliya, Israel, 1/23/07)
2. Diplomatic Isolation. "Second, we need to impose diplomatic isolation of Iran's Government. Ahmadinejad should not be provided the trappings, and respect, and recognition of a responsible head of state as he travels." (Governor Mitt Romney, Remarks At The Seventh Annual Herzliya Conference, Herzliya, Israel, 1/23/07)
3. Encouraging Arab States To Join Efforts To Prevent A Nuclear Iran. "Third, Arab states must join this effort to prevent a nuclear Iran. These states can do much more than wring their hands and urge America to act. They should support Iraq's nascent government, they can help America's focus on Iran by quickly turning down the temperature of the Arab-Israeli conflict, stopping the financial and weapons flows to Hamas and Hezbollah, thawing relations with Israel, and telling the Palestinians they must drop terror and recognize Israel's right to exist." (Governor Mitt Romney, Remarks At The Seventh Annual Herzliya Conference, Herzliya, Israel, 1/23/07)
4. The Military Option Remains On The Table. "Fourth, we have to make it clear that while nuclearization may be a source of pride to the Iranian people, it also should be considered as a source of peril. The military option remains on the table. And further, any people should know that if nuclear material their own nation develops falls into the hands of terrorists and would be used that would surely provoke a devastating response from the civilized world to any who provided that fissile material." (Governor Mitt Romney, Remarks At The Seventh Annual Herzliya Conference, Herzliya, Israel, 1/23/07)
5. A Partnership For Prosperity To Support Progressive Muslim Communities And Leaders. "Fifth, our strategy should be integrated into a broad approach to the broader Muslim world. ... It's what I'll call a partnership for progress - a global partnership which includes NATO and other allies. Its mission would be to support progressive Muslim communities and leaders in every nation where radical Islam is battling modernity and moderation. This Partnership for Prosperity should help provide the tools and funding necessary for moderates to win the debate in their own societies." (Governor Mitt Romney, Remarks At The Seventh Annual Herzliya Conference, Herzliya, Israel, 1/23/07)
Mitt Romney, Romney Campaign Press Release - In Case You Missed It: Governor Mitt Romney On Senator Hillary Clinton's Iran Strategy Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/296774