Romney Campaign Press Release - In Case You Missed It: Governor Romney Discusses His Strategy To Build A Stronger Economy
Governor Romney On His National Message Of Strengthening The Economy (Fox News' "Fox & Friends", 1/21/08):
Fox News' Alisyn Camerota: "Next stop, Florida and Florida is obviously culturally very different than Nevada or Michigan. What message will you bring to voters there in Florida?"
Governor Romney: "I think people across the country are very concerned about our economy. They want to make sure that we can add jobs. They see Washington as being fundamentally broken, not being able to solve the problems of the country. So they want change and they want a stronger economy. I think those messages, that's really connecting with people from Michigan to Nevada and Wyoming, across the country. Of course, I plan to take my campaign all across the country, not just one or two states, but the entire nation."
To watch Governor Romney, please see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmXZW8wST4Q
Governor Romney On Lowering Taxes To Strengthen The Economy (MSNBC's "Morning Joe," 1/21/08):
MSNBC's Joe Scarborough: "Do you think economics and tax cuts will take center stage in the state of Florida, in a state that's seen better economic times?"
Governor Romney: "Well, I think economics are going to be the issue that the nation faces, at least over these next several months and probably through 2008. I think people are concerned about what seems to be a weakening economy. They hear about recession. They see that home values have come down in some parts of the country, and they want to make sure that you have a President who understands how to build the economy. And I think on this one, Rudy is right. John McCain voted against the Bush tax cuts. He says he would still do it again. As we're talking about an economic stimulus plan right now, I'm talking about lowering taxes, both for businesses as well as for individuals so we can get more money into the economy, boost it. Senator McCain finds that to be the wrong course. And, I think he's wrong again. I think, instead, we need to make sure that we have folks that understand how the economy works and how we have to keep it growing."
To watch Governor Romney, please see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13XpAi_r8cU
Governor Romney On His Economic Stimulus Plan (CNN's "American Morning," 1/21/08):
CNN's John Roberts: "The short-term economic stimulus: to you, what is the most important component?"
Governor Romney: "Well, I think the key thing in the short-term economic stimulus is to help people get back to work and make sure we have good jobs. We don't see our unemployment rate going up and up and up and don't kick people out of homes. So, I'd put additional support to the FHA so that it can guarantee loans to people, and they're going to be able to stay in their homes instead of having them foreclosed. And number two, we're going to create incentives for businesses to start hiring people. We do that a number of ways. One is by allowing them to expense their capital expenditures right away, so they buy more products from other businesses, hiring more people. And also, we say for people over 65 years old, neither the business nor the individual should pay any payroll taxes and that encourages people to stay in the workforce. It also encourages businesses to hire people who are 65 and over."
Roberts: "Some critics have suggested, Governor, that this is too oriented toward business. What do you say?"
Governor Romney: "Well, it's oriented toward jobs. I'm not concerned about the owners of businesses. I'm concerned about the jobs that we have in this country. The best way to grow an economy is to have good jobs, and the best way I know how to do that is to encourage businesses to buy products, to grow, and then to hire people. And so in some cases, we're providing checks to individuals, taxpayers, so they can go out and buy more. And the other is to encourage businesses to make their purchases now and grow the economy that way."
To watch Governor Romney, please see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBznIYdlWTU
Mitt Romney, Romney Campaign Press Release - In Case You Missed It: Governor Romney Discusses His Strategy To Build A Stronger Economy Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/295853