"Last night, President Obama couldn't find a single House Democrat to support his re-election blueprint of trillions in new deficits and higher taxes. If the President's own allies in Congress won't support his election-year platform, why should the American people?" —Andrea Saul, Romney Campaign Spokesperson
Last Night, President Obama's 2013 Budget Was Unanimously Rejected By Every House Democrat:
The House Of Representatives Unanimously Rejected President Obama's 2013 Budget. "The Republican-run House has overwhelmingly rejected President Barack Obama's $3.6 trillion budget for next year after a vote forced by GOP lawmakers to embarrass Democrats. ... The vote was 414-0. The vote came as the House debated a GOP budget that contains far more deficit reduction than Obama has proposed." ("Republican-Run House Easily Rejects Obama Budget As Chamber Moves Toward Approving GOP Plan," The Associated Press, 3/28/12)
"Democrats Have Defended Obama's Budget Priorities But Voted 'No' As A Bloc Wednesday Night As The House Rejected The President's Plan 414-0." (Andrew Taylor, "GOP-Run House Easily Rejects Bipartisan Budget," The Associated Press, 3/28/12)
What Were Democrats Unanimously Rejecting? The "Platform For The President's Re-Election" That Included Trillions In New Deficits And Higher Taxes:
President Obama's 2013 Budget Was Seen As "A Platform For The President's Re-Election Campaign." "President Obama will lay out a budget blueprint on Monday that amounts to an election-year bet that a plan for higher taxes on the rich and more spending on popular programs like infrastructure and manufacturing will trump concerns over the deficit. ... But the latest budget document can be seen as more a platform for the president's re-election campaign than a legislative proposal for budget debates that will begin next week." (Jonathan Weisman, "Obama Budget Bets Other Concerns Will Trump The Deficit," The New York Times, 2/10/12)
President Obama's Budget Produces A Deficit Of Nearly $1 Trillion In 2013. "A new analysis of President Barack Obama's budget for next year says the deficit scenario for next year isn't as rosy as the White House figured last month. Friday's Congressional Budget Office report said Obama's budget would produce a $977 billion deficit next year — $75 billion more than predicted by the White House." ("CBO: Obama Budget Produces 2013 Deficit Of $977B," The Associated Press, 3/16/12)
"Over The Coming Decade, CBO Says Obama's Policies Would Result In Deficits Totaling $6.4 Trillion." ("CBO: Obama Budget Produces 2013 Deficit Of $977B," The Associated Press, 3/16/12)
President Obama's Budget Includes Nearly $1.5 Trillion In New Taxes. "President Barack Obama called for $1.4 trillion in fresh revenue from Americans at the top of the income scale, proposing higher taxes on wages and investments and limiting breaks for retirement savings and health insurance." (Richard Rubin and Steven Sloan, "Obama Aims $1.4 Trillion Tax Increase At Highest Earners," Bloomberg BusinessWeek, 2/14/12)
And This Isn't The First Time Democrats In Congress Have Rejected President Obama's Spending Plan:
President Obama's 2012 Budget Was Unanimously Rejected In The Senate. "The Senate voted unanimously on Wednesday to reject a $3.7 trillion budget plan that President Obama sent to Capitol Hill in February. Ninety-seven senators voted against a motion to take it up." (Alexander Bolton, "President's Budget Sinks, 97-0," The Hill, 5/25/11)
The Senate's Consideration Of The President's 2012 Budget "Turned Into A Rout." "Indeed, the vote on the president's plan turned into a rout, with neither Republicans nor Democrats voting in favor of taking it up." (David Rogers, "Senate Votes Down Paul Ryan Budget Plan, 57-40," Politico, 5/25/11)
Mitt Romney, Romney Campaign Press Release - Democrats Reject Obama's Re-Election "Platform" Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/301402