Romney Campaign Press Release - Governor Mitt Romney Forms Presidential Exploratory Committee
CONTACT: Kevin Madden
(857) 288-6400
Washington, D.C. - Today at 4 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, National Counsel Ben Ginsberg filed paperwork with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) announcing the formation of Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney's presidential campaign exploratory committee.
"After talking to my family, I have decided to take this initial step of forming an exploratory committee in order to raise the resources and build the campaign organization required to pursue the highest office in our country," Governor Romney said. "I look forward to continuing to talk with the American people to determine the best way we can meet a new generation of challenges."
Immediately after the filing, the Romney for President Exploratory Committee launched its official website: www.MittRomney.com.
Questions And Answers About Governor Romney's Presidential Campaign Exploratory Process
Q: What is the name of the exploratory committee?
A: Romney for President Exploratory Committee, Inc.
Q: When will Governor Romney formally declare his candidacy?
A: Governor Romney has not made a decision on when he will officially and formally declare his candidacy.
Q: What is the difference between this exploratory committee and formally announcing Governor Romney's candidacy?
A: This committee has been registered with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) allowing it to begin soliciting resources and organizing a federal campaign committee structure in anticipation of a formal announcement in the near future. Once an announcement is made, the word "exploratory" will be removed from the name. The committee formed today will use the money raised before and after a formal announcement.
Q: Can money raised by the exploratory committee be used by an eventual Romney for President Campaign Committee?
A: Yes. In fact, it's the same account.
Mitt Romney, Romney Campaign Press Release - Governor Mitt Romney Forms Presidential Exploratory Committee Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/296089