Romney Campaign Press Release - Mitt Romney: "I Will Not Hesitate to Use the Powers of the Presidency to Protect Religious Liberty."
"Governor Romney stands with the Catholic Bishops and all religious organizations in their strenuous objection to this liberty- and conscience-stifling regulation. He is committed to repealing Obamacare entirely. On his first day in office, Mitt Romney will eliminate the Obama administration rule that compels religious institutions to violate the tenets of their own faith. We expect these attacks from President Obama and his liberal friends. But from Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum, it's a clear indication of desperation from their campaigns." — Ryan Williams, Romney spokesperson
Gov. Romney Stands With Catholics Against Obama's Assault On Religious Liberty:
Gov. Romney Has Denounced The Obama Administration's Treatment Of Catholics. "The Obama administration is at it again. They are now using Obamacare to impose a secular vision on Americans who believe that they should not have their religious freedom taken away. On January 20, 2012, the Obama administration affirmed a rule that would force Roman Catholic hospitals, charities, and universities to purchase health insurance for their employees that includes coverage for contraception, abortifacients, and sterilization, in violation of their religious principles. This is wrong." (Mitt Romney, Op-Ed, "President Obama Versus Religious Liberty," The Washington Examiner, 2/3/12)
- Romney: "I Stand With The Catholic Bishops And All Religious Organizations In Their Strenuous Objection To This Liberty- And Conscience-Stifling Regulation." "My own view is clear. I stand with the Catholic Bishops and all religious organizations in their strenuous objection to this liberty- and conscience-stifling regulation. I am committed to overturning Obamacare root and branch. If I am elected President, on day one of my administration I will issue an executive order directing my Secretary of Health and Human Services to issue a waiver from its requirements to all 50 states. And on day one I will eliminate the Obama administration rule that compels religious institutions to violate the tenets of their own faith. Such rules don't belong in the America that I believe in. The America I believe in is governed by the U.S. Constitution and I will not hesitate to use the powers of the presidency to protect religious liberty." (Mitt Romney, Op-Ed, "President Obama Versus Religious Liberty," The Washington Examiner, 2/3/12)
As Governor, Romney Vetoed Legislation Expanding So-Called Emergency Contraception:
In An Editorial Explaining His Veto, Gov. Romney Declared "I Am Pro-Life." "Yesterday I vetoed a bill that the Legislature forwarded to my desk. Though described by its sponsors as a measure relating to contraception, there is more to it than that. The bill does not involve only the prevention of conception: The drug it authorizes would also terminate life after conception. ... I understand that my views on laws governing abortion set me in the minority in our Commonwealth. I am pro-life. I believe that abortion is the wrong choice except in cases of incest, rape, and to save the life of the mother. I wish the people of America agreed, and that the laws of our nation could reflect that view." (Governor Mitt Romney, Op/Ed, "Why I Vetoed Contraception Bill," The Boston Globe, 7/26/05)
- Unfortunately, The Liberal Massachusetts Legislature Overrode Gov. Romney's Veto. "Massachusetts became the eighth state to allow pharmacists to dispense the emergency contraception pill without a doctor's prescription when lawmakers easily overrode Governor Mitt Romney's veto yesterday. ... The Senate voted, 37 to 0, to reject Romney's veto, and the House followed suit with a 139-to-16 tally. Supporters needed a two-thirds majority in each chamber to overrule the governor." (Scott S. Greenberger, "Lawmakers Override Governor's Contraception Veto," The Boston Globe, 9/16/05)
Santorum, Gingrich, And Obama Are Launching False Attacks:
National Review: "The Obama Administration Is Driving Conscience Violations As Mandated Policy Whereas Romney Vetoed A Bill That Would Require Catholic Hospitals To Provide Abortifacient Drugs." "A Boston Globe sub-headline this morning declares: Mitt Romney's ''05 contraception stance similar to Obama's now.' Except that the Obama administration is driving conscience violations as mandated policy whereas Romney vetoed a bill that would require Catholic hospitals to provide abortifacient drugs. Of course, as governor of Massachusetts, he vetoed the bill without a lot of support for his position — and his veto was overturned. That's quite different than the overreaching attack on religious liberty the Obama administration is driving. It's also a reminder of how crucial it is to support leaders when they're trying to do the right thing, as Romney was at the time. (Komen this week comes to mind.)" (Kathryn Jean Lopez, National Review Online, 2/3/12)
- Gingrich Is "Mischaracterizing Romney's Record." "Newt Gingrich had his debate moment or two helping to clarify the danger our religious liberty is in in America today. But he only added to the confusion when he started mischaracterizing Romney's record here." (Kathryn Jean Lopez, National Review Online, 2/3/12)
- The Washington Post Rated Santorum And Gingrich's Attacks As Having "Significant Omissions And/Or Exaggerations." "[It] is a stretch for Santorum and Gingrich to claim he demanded this shift or imposed this on hospitals, in what they characterize as an attack on religion." (Glenn Kessler, "Romney And Plan B: The Santorum And Gingrich Claims," The Washington Post, 2/8/12)
As Governor, Romney Also Defended Catholic Charities' Rights Of Conscience:
Gov. Romney Fought To Ensure That Catholic Charities Could Continue Their Adoption Services As A Matter Of "Religious Liberty." "Calling it an issue of 'religious liberty,' Governor Mitt Romney today said he plans to file legislation to permit religious institutions to perform adoptions without violating the tenets of their faith. Today, the board of Catholic Charities voted to stop doing adoptions because of state law which requires that gays be given equal consideration for the placement of children. Because of the Church's teaching, Catholic agencies may not provide adoptions to gay parents. 'This is a sad day for neglected and abandoned children. In this case, it's a mistake for our laws to put the rights of adults over the needs of children. While I respect the board's decision to stay true to their principles, I find the current state of the law deeply disturbing and a threat to religious freedom,' said Romney." (Office Of Governor Mitt Romney, "Defending Religious Liberty, Romney To File Bill Exempting Religious Institutions From Gay Adoption Requirement," Press Release, 3/10/06)
Gov. Romney "Filed 'An Act Protecting Religious Freedom' To Protect The Rights Of Conscience Of Catholic Charities." "In the conscience arena, he not only vetoed the EC law and took to the pages of the Globe to explain his reasoning, he supported Catholic Charities' resistance to placing children with same-sex couples, and even filed 'An Act Protecting Religious Freedom' to protect the rights of conscience of Catholic Charities and other religious organizations in Massachusetts." (David French, National Review Online, 2/3/12)
Mitt Romney Has Been Praised As A Defender Of Religious Liberty And Traditional Values:
In 2008, Mitt And Ann Romney Received The Becket Fund's Canterbury Medal Which "Recognizes Courage In The Defense Of Religious Liberty." "The Canterbury Medal is the Becket Fund's highest honor. It recognizes courage in the defense of religious liberty and is named for Canterbury Cathedral, where Thomas à Becket was martyred by the knights of King Henry II for his own defense of religious freedom. The Canterbury Medal is thus given annually to one 'who has resolutely and publicly refused to render to Caesar that which is God's'. ...Over the years we've awarded the Canterbury Medal to many accomplished allies in the fight to keep religion alive in the public square. Here is a list of Canterbury Medalists since the honor was first given in 1997. ...2008 [recipients] Governor & Mrs. Mitt Romney." (The Becket Fund, Accessed 2/7/12)
Mass. Family Institute: "Romney Has Done An Excellent Job In Defending Traditional Family Values In Massachusetts Despite An Extremely Hostile Legislature And Judiciary." "According to [Massachusetts Family Institute president Kris] Mineau, 'For the four years of his administration, Governor Romney provided strong leadership on key conservative social issues — whether it was politically expedient to do so or not.' He tells National Review Online, 'I believe Mitt Romney has done an excellent job in defending traditional family values in Massachusetts despite an extremely hostile legislature and judiciary, not to mention an attorney general and secretary of state who both opposed everything the governor stood for.'" (Kathryn Jean Lopez, "An Early Massachusetts Primary," National Review, 1/10/07)
Mass. Citizens For Life: Romney Was "One Of The Strongest Assets The Pro-Life Movement Has Had In Massachusetts." "It's a view echoed by Marie Sturgis, executive director of Massachusetts Citizens for Life, who says, 'Having Governor Romney in the corner office for the last four years has been one of the strongest assets the pro-life movement has had in Massachusetts. His actions concerning life issues have been consistent and he has been helpful down the line for us in the Bay State.'" (Kathryn Jean Lopez, "An Early Massachusetts Primary," National Review, 1/10/07)
Five Former Ambassadors To The Holy See Have Endorsed Mitt Romney, Citing His Commitment To Traditional Values. "We the undersigned former U.S. Ambassadors to the Holy See —Thomas Melady, Ray Flynn, James Nicholson, Francis Rooney and Mary Ann Glendon — are united in our wholehearted support for the candidacy of Mitt Romney for the Presidency of the United States because of his commitment to and support of the values that we feel are critical in a national leader. Although our political affiliations are diverse, we recognize the importance of family and traditional values in American life. We also share the conviction that Governor Romney has the experience, vision and commitment to the common good that our country needs at this crucial moment in history." (Romney for President, Press Release, 1/7/12)
Mitt Romney, Romney Campaign Press Release - Mitt Romney: "I Will Not Hesitate to Use the Powers of the Presidency to Protect Religious Liberty." Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/299863