"In recent weeks, President Obama has cited several failures as his greatest — not being a better storyteller, not reforming immigration, and now his inability to change the tone in Washington. But President Obama just doesn't get it. With 23 million Americans struggling for work, anemic economic growth, and nearly 1 in 6 Americans living in poverty, his greatest failure — by far — is his broken promise to fix the economy. Americans know this is his greatest failure, and they will hold him accountable in November." — Ryan Williams, Romney Campaign Spokesman
Tonight, President Obama Claimed His "Biggest Disappointment" Was Not Fixing The "Tone In Washington":
President Obama, On CBS Tonight: "Biggest Disappointment Is We Haven't Changed The Tone In Washington..." "On 60Minutes, POTUS to ScottPelley: 'biggest disappointment is we haven't changed the tone in Washington as much as I would have liked'" (Mike Allen Twitter Feed, 9/23/12)
And This Isn't President Obama's First Answer — He's Already Claimed His Biggest Mistakes Were Not Telling A Good Story And Failing On Immigration Reform:
President Obama, On His Biggest Mistake In July: "Thinking That This Job Was Just About Getting The Policy Right ... The Nature Of This Office Is Also To Tell A Story To The American People..." " 'The mistake of my first term — couple of years — was thinking that this job was just about getting the policy right,' Obama told CBS News' Charlie Rose. 'And that's important, but, you know, the nature of this office is also to tell a story to the American people that gives them a sense of unity and purpose and optimism, especially during tough times.'" (Mary Bruce, "Obama's Mistake: Not Telling The 'Story' Better To The American People," ABC News, 7/12/12)
- "President Obama Said Today That The Biggest Mistake Of His First Term Was Not Being A Good Enough Storyteller..." "President Obama said today that the biggest mistake of his first term was not being a good enough storyteller, explaining that he needed to better communicate to the American people why the policies he was pursuing mattered." (Mary Bruce, "Obama's Mistake: Not Telling The 'Story' Better To The American People," ABC News, 7/12/12)
President Obama, On His Biggest Mistake During A Univision Forum: "My Biggest Failure So Far Is We Haven't Gotten Comprehensive Immigration Reform Done..." "Asked about the biggest mistake of his first term, the president relented. 'As you remind me, my biggest failure so far is we haven't gotten comprehensive immigration reform done, so we're going to be continuing to work on that,' he admitted." (Mary Bruce, "Obama Blames GOP For Inability To Pass Immigration Reform," ABC News, 9/20/12)
But What Is President Obama's Biggest Mistake? He's Left Millions Of Americans Struggling In The Obama Economy:
More Than Twenty-Three Million Americans Are Unemployed, Underemployed, Or Have Stopped Looking For Work. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, www.bls.gov, 9/10/12)
In August, The Unemployment Rate Either Increased Or Was Unchanged In 38 States. "The Labor Department says rates increased in 26 states. They fell in 12 states and were unchanged in the other 12." (Christopher S. Rugaber, "Unemployment Rates Rise In Half Of US States," The Associated Press, 9/21/12)
"The Income Of The Typical U.S. Family Fell Or Was Flat In Almost Every State Last Year." "The income of the typical U.S. family fell or was flat in almost every state last year, with the drop particularly steep in places where the economy has been hit hard by the housing bust." (Josh Mitchell, "Incomes Fell Or Stagnated In Most States Last Year," The Wall Street Journal, 9/20/12)
"The Gap Between Rich And Poor Americans Grew In 2011 As The Poverty Rate Remained At Almost A Two-Decade High." "The gap between rich and poor Americans grew in 2011 as the poverty rate remained at almost a two-decade high. The U.S. Census Bureau released figures today that showed household income fell, underscoring a sputtering economic recovery that's at the heart of the presidential campaign." (Catherine Dodge and Frank Bass, "Rich-Poor Gap Widens To Most Since 1967 As Income Falls," Bloomberg, 9/12/12)
Americans Are Struggling With "A Shrinking Middle Class." "The findings highlight concerns about a shrinking middle class and pose another obstacle to getting the economy back on track, said Annette Bernhardt, policy co-director at the National Employment Law Project, which conducted the study." (Jim Puzzanghera, "Majority Of New Jobs In Recovery Are Low-Paying, Study Finds," Los Angeles Times, 8/31/12)
Mitt Romney, Romney Campaign Press Release - President Obama's Biggest Failure Is Clear: The Economy Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/303019