Romney Campaign Press Release - Romney for President Releases Television Advertisement in New Hampshire
Romney for President tomorrow will release a new television advertisement in New Hampshire titled "Believe In America." When then-candidate Barack Obama went to New Hampshire in 2008, he promised to turn around the economy. Three years later, it is clear that he has failed. Mitt Romney has the conservative record and plan to turn around our economy and restore our country's fiscal health
To View "Believe In America," Please See: http://mi.tt/v36gNA
Ad Facts: Script For "Believe In America" (TV:60)
VIDEO TEXT: "On October 16, 2008 Barack Obama Visited New Hampshire"
SENATOR BARACK OBAMA: "Thank you. Thank you New Hampshire. How is everybody doing today?"
- Senator Barack Obama: "Thank you. Thank you New Hampshire. How is everybody doing today?" (Senator Barack Obama, Remarks, Londonderry, NH, 10/16/08)
VIDEO TEXT: "He Promised He Would Fix The Economy"
OBAMA: "I am confident that we can steer ourselves out of this crisis."
- Obama: "But I'm here to tell you, I am confident that we can steer ourselves out of this crisis because I believe in this country." (Senator Barack Obama, Remarks, Londonderry, NH, 10/16/08)
VIDEO TEXT: "He Failed."
OBAMA: "Who's been in charge of the economy?"
- Obama: "I said, who's been in charge of the economy for the last eight years?" (Senator Barack Obama, Remarks, Londonderry, NH, 10/16/08)
VIDEO TEXT: "Greatest Jobs Crisis Since Great Depression"
- The National Unemployment Rate Has Been Above 8% For Each Full Month Of President Obama's Term. The jobless rate has been above 8% since February 2009, a thirty-three month span unequaled in recorded history. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, www.bls.gov, 11/20/11)
- Under President Obama, America Is Suffering Through The Highest Levels Of Long-Term Unemployment On Record. Since December 2009, more than 40% of jobless workers have been unemployed for six months or longer, the highest level in recorded history. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, www.bls.gov, 11/20/11)
- "Economist Robert Reich Says America's Ongoing Jobs Depression, 'Which Is What It Deserves To Be Called, Is The Worst Economic Calamity To Hit This Nation Since The Great Depression.'" ("Reich: Jobs Market In Worst Shape Since Great Depression," MoneyNews.com, 10/4/11)
- "According To A Recent Study By The Economic Policy Institute, 2011 College Graduates Will Enter The Worst Job Market Since The Great Depression." (KCRG-TV, 5/10/11)
- "Nearly Two Years After The Economic Recovery Officially Began, Job Creation Continues To Stagger At The Slowest Post-Recession Rate Since The Great Depression." ("Job Creation Limps Along After Recession," USA Today, 5/20/11)
OBAMA: "We need a rescue plan for the middle class."
- Obama: "But now we need a rescue plan for the middle class." (Senator Barack Obama, Remarks, Londonderry, NH, 10/16/08)
VIDEO TEXT: "Record Home Foreclosures"
- More Than One Million Americans Lost Their Homes To Foreclosure In 2010. "Foreclosures were at a record high in 2010, and more than 1 million people lost their homes, even as notices started leveling off during the end year. In total, there were nearly 2.9 million foreclosure notices filed during the year, according to report released Thursday by RealtyTrac. That was a record high, but just 1.7% above 2009." (Les Christie, "1 Million Homes Repossessed In 2010," CNN, 1/13/11)
OBAMA: "We need to provide relief for homeowners."
- Obama: "Number three, we need to provide relief for homeowners who are watching their home values decline while property taxes go up." (Senator Barack Obama, Remarks, Londonderry, NH, 10/16/08)
VIDEO TEXT: "Record National Debt"
- The National Debt Is At $15 Trillion. (U.S. Treasury Department, www.treasurydirect.gov, 11/20/11)
OBAMA: "It's going take a new direction."
- Obama: "It's going take a new direction." (Senator Barack Obama, Remarks, Londonderry, NH, 10/16/08)
OBAMA: "If we keep talking about the economy, we're going to lose."
- Obama: "Senator McCain's campaign actually said, and I quote, if we keep talking about the economy, we're going to lose." (Senator Barack Obama, Remarks, Londonderry, NH, 10/16/08)
- Gail Gitcho, Romney Communications Director: "Three years ago, candidate Barack Obama mocked his opponent's campaign for saying 'if we keep talking about the economy, we're going to lose.' Now, President Obama's campaign is desperate not to talk about the economy. Their strategy is to wage a personal campaign – or 'kill Romney.' It is a campaign of distraction. Now, the tables have turned – President Obama and his campaign are doing exactly what candidate Obama criticized. President Obama and his team don't want to talk about the economy and have tried to distract voters from President Obama's abysmal economic record. Just a few months ago, President Obama's top White House adviser and former campaign manager David Plouffe said Americans don't care about 'unemployment rates or even monthly jobs numbers.' For the next year, this election is going to be a referendum on President Obama's record. Every single day, like millions of Americans, we are going to talk about President Obama's historic failure, and the need to get America back on track. Just because he won't take responsibility doesn't mean the American people won't hold him accountable. President Obama will have to confront the promises made by candidate Obama." (Gail Gitcho, "Tables Turned," Romney For President Blog, 11/21/11)
MITT ROMNEY: "I'm going to do something to government."
- Mitt Romney: "I'm going to do something to government." (Mitt Romney, Remarks, Dubuque, IA, 11/7/11)
MITT ROMNEY: "I call it the 'Smaller, Simpler, Smarter' approach to government."
- Mitt Romney: "My plan is pretty simple: I call it the 'Smaller, Simpler, Smarter' approach to government." (Mitt Romney, Remarks, Exeter, NH, 11/3/11)
MITT ROMNEY: "Getting rid of programs, turning programs back to states and, finally, making government itself more efficient."
- Mitt Romney: "Those three things -- making government simpler, smaller and smarter -- mean getting rid of programs, turning programs back to states and, finally, making government itself more efficient." (Mitt Romney, Remarks, Dubuque, IA, 11/7/11)
MITT ROMNEY: "I'm going to get rid of Obamacare."
- Mitt Romney: "I'm going to get rid of Obamacare." (Mitt Romney, Remarks, Dubuque, IA, 11/7/11)
MITT ROMNEY: "It's killing jobs."
- Mitt Romney: "It's killing jobs, it's shadowing our future, and it's keeping our kids from having the bright prospects they deserve." (Mitt Romney, Remarks, Dubuque, IA, 11/7/11)
MITT ROMNEY: "And it's keeping our kids from having the bright prospects they deserve."
- Mitt Romney: "It's killing jobs, it's shadowing our future, and it's keeping our kids from having the bright prospects they deserve." (Mitt Romney, Remarks, Dubuque, IA, 11/7/11)
MITT ROMNEY: "We have a moral responsibility not to spend more than we take in."
- Mitt Romney: "We have a moral responsibility not to spend more than we take in." (Mitt Romney, Remarks, Exeter, NH, 11/3/11)
MITT ROMNEY: "I'll make sure that America is a job creating machine like it has been in the past."
- Mitt Romney: "I'll make sure that America is a job creating machine like it has been in the past." (Mitt Romney, Remarks, Dubuque, IA, 11/7/11)
MITT ROMNEY: "It's high time to bring those principles of fiscal responsibility to Washington, D.C."
- Mitt Romney: "The principles of business, conservative, fiscal principles work in government, they worked at the Olympics and I'm absolutely convinced it's high time to bring those principles of fiscal responsibility to Washington, D.C." (Mitt Romney, Remarks, Exeter, NH, 11/3/11)
MITT ROMNEY: "I'm Mitt Romney and I approve this message."
Mitt Romney, Romney Campaign Press Release - Romney for President Releases Television Advertisement in New Hampshire Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/297829