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Romney Campaign Press Release - Santorum: "Arlen is With Us on the Votes That Matter"

February 22, 2012

"What is troubling is the aggressiveness with which Santorum backed the liberal Specter, and the lengths to which he would stoop to mislead Republican voters. ... The only explanation that is consistent is political expediency. Santorum was willing to jettison conservative principles when it suited him in 2004, and he wants to try to explain it away when it no longer suits him on the 2012 presidential campaign trail." —Club For Growth

Senator Santorum Endorsed Liberal Arlen Specter Over Conservative Pat Toomey In A Highly-Contested Senate Primary In 2004:

Santorum Cut A TV Ad Endorsing Specter, Saying "Arlen Is With Us On The Votes That Matter." SANTORUM: "I've heard people say that they think Arlen Specter's a liberal. But let me tell you as a member of the Senate leadership, Arlen Specter was the key vote, not just in supporting the president's tax plan that created jobs has revived this economy, but in getting the votes necessary to make that passage possible. Arlen is with us on the votes that matter to move our agenda forward for this president and for the country. I am proud to endorse Arlen Specter." (Arlen Specter Ad: "Santorum 1 Revised,", Accessed 2/19/12)

Click Here To Watch Santorum's Television Ad On Behalf Of Arlen Specter

After Winning A Narrow Victory, Specter Went On To Become The Deciding Vote In Favor Of Much Of The Obama Agenda:

Specter Was The Deciding Vote On ObamaCare:

  • Arlen Specter Was The Deciding 60th Vote In Passing ObamaCare. (H.R. 3590, CQ Vote #385: Motion Agreed To 60-40: R 0-40; D 58-0; I 2-0; 12/21/09, Specter Voted Yea; H.R. 3590, CQ Vote #388: Motion Agreed To 60-39: R 0-39; D 58-0; I 2-0, 12/22/09, Specter Voted Yea; H.R. 3590, CQ Vote #395: Motion Agreed To 60-39: R 0-39; D 58-0; I 2-0; 12/23/09, Specter Voted Yea; H.R. 396, CQ Vote #396: Passed 60-39: R 0-39; D 58-0; I 2-0; 12/24/09, Specter Voted Yea)

Specter Was The Deciding Vote On The Stimulus:

  • Arlen Specter Was The Deciding 60th Vote In Passing Obama's $787 Billion Stimulus Bill. (H.R. 1, CQ Vote #63: Motion Agreed To 60-38: R 3-38; D 55-0; I 2-0; 2/13/09, Specter Voted Yea; H.R. 1, CQ Vote #64: Adopted 60-38: R 3-38; D 55-0; I 2-0; 2/13/09, Specter Voted Yea)

Specter Was The Deciding Vote On Dodd-Frank:

  • Arlen Specter Was The Deciding 60th Vote In Passing Dodd-Frank. (S. 3217, CQ Vote #160: Motion Agreed To 60-40: R 3-38; D 55-2; I 2-0; 5/20/10, Specter Voted Yea; H.R. 4173, CQ Vote # 208: Adopted 60-39: R 3-38; D 55-1; I 2-0; 7/15/10, Specter Voted Yea)

Specter Was The Deciding Vote On Yet Another Debt Ceiling Increase:

  • Arlen Specter Was The Deciding 60th Vote In Raising The Debt Limit By Over $2 Trillion. (H.R. 4314, CQ Vote #397: Passed 60-39: R 1-38; D 57-1; I 2-0; 12/24/09, Specter Voted Yea; H. J. Res. 45, CQ Vote #14: Passed 60-39: R 0-39; D 58-0; I 2-0; 1/28/10, Specter Voted Yea)

Specter Also Voted For Both Of President Obama's Supreme Court Nominations:

  • Arlen Specter Voted To Place Sonia Sotomayor On The U.S. Supreme Court. (Sotomayor Nomination, CQ Vote #262: Confirmed 68-31: R 9-31; D 57-0; I 2-0; 8/6/09, Specter Voted Yea)
  • Arlen Specter Voted To Place Elena Kagan On The U.S. Supreme Court. (Kagan Nomination, CQ Vote #229: Confirmed 63-37: R 5-36; D 56-1; I 2-0; 8/5/10, Specter Voted Yea)

Club For Growth: By Endorsing Senator Specter, "Santorum Was Willing To Jettison Conservative Principles When It Suited Him." "Former House Majority Leader Dick Armey has called the 2004 Republican U.S. Senate primary in Pennsylvania the start of the Tea Party movement. That race featured arch-RINO incumbent Senator Arlen Specter, who switched to the Democratic Party in 2009, being challenged by pro-growth conservative champion then-Congressman Pat Toomey. ... Santorum's active role on behalf of Specter might have been the difference maker. ... What is troubling is the aggressiveness with which Santorum backed the liberal Specter, and the lengths to which he would stoop to mislead Republican voters. ... The only explanation that is consistent is political expediency. Santorum was willing to jettison conservative principles when it suited him in 2004, and he wants to try to explain it away when it no longer suits him on the 2012 presidential campaign trail." ("2012 Presidential White Paper #4: Former Senator Rick Santorum," Club For Growth, 6/6/11)

Mitt Romney, Romney Campaign Press Release - Santorum: "Arlen is With Us on the Votes That Matter" Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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