Romney Campaign Press Release - Sen. Norm Coleman: President Obama's Weakness Has Put Israel And Our Own Security At Risk
Former Minnesota Senator Norm Coleman today made the following statement on President Obama calling Israel's concerns about an Iran armed with nuclear weapons "noise":
"It's hard to say which of President Obama's assertions is more insulting and shocking — that he considers Israel's concerns about a nuclear Iran 'noise,' or that he believes Israel is merely 'one of our closest allies' in the region. The situation in the Middle East is too unstable, and keeping Iran from achieving a nuclear capability too important, to leave it in the hands of President Obama. He has shown that he does not comprehend the complexity or the severity of our foreign policy concerns. His weakness in this area has put our ally Israel at risk, and undermines our own security at home.'"
Mitt Romney, Romney Campaign Press Release - Sen. Norm Coleman: President Obama's Weakness Has Put Israel And Our Own Security At Risk Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project