Immigration Reform Priorities:
Governor Romney Outlines Three Priorities On Immigration Reform. GOVERNOR ROMNEY: "We're going to have to secure our border first. Two, put in place an employment verification system to make sure we're giving jobs only to those people who come legally. And number three, for the 12 million, we can't allow them to have a special privilege of being able to stay here indefinitely." MIKE GALLAGHER: "Well, I tell you that's music to my ears and to the ears of millions of Americans..." ("Mike Gallagher Show," 5/21/07)
Governor Romney: Border Security Is Number One. GOVERNOR ROMNEY: "[T]he people I speak with as I go to Republican events agree with me that there are three key rules that we have to follow. One is, we have to secure the border. Two is, we have to have an employment verification system to know who's here legally and who's not here legally. That's only fair to the employers to know who is who. And then, finally, for those people that are here illegally today, while it may be fine for them to apply for citizenship and to apply for permanent residency, that they should do so in line with everyone else and they should be given no advantage, no special privilege by having come here illegally." (Fox News' "Your World," 5/24/07)
Watch Governor Romney's Full Remarks Here.
Governor Romney: "I believe it's important to end illegal immigration so we can maintain and encourage legal immigration. Immigration is good for this country; it's helped us over our history. We need immigration to provide some of the skills that we may miss, migrant workers, cultural advantages. It's a great source of vitality for America to have legal immigration, but illegal immigration - that we need to bring an end to." (KCMO's "Morning Show with Chris Stigall," 5/22/07)
Watch Governor Romney's Immigration Ad Here.
Benchmarks In Washington:
Governor Romney: "We're also going to have to do something we talk about on in Iraq. We all talked about benchmarks. Well, how about benchmarks in Washington? Let's lay out what we're going to get done, and instead of just talking about the same old same old, let's streamline and make Washington more efficient." (Fox News Channel, Republican Presidential Candidate Debate, Columbia, SC, 5/15/07)
Watch Governor Romney's Full Remarks Here.
Governor Romney: There Is A War On Terror:
Governor Romney: "I was shocked to see just a day or two ago, John Edwards - a candidate for President of the United States - say there's not a War on Terror. ... Maybe he needs to explain that to the people in London, to the people in Madrid, to the people in Tanzania, to the people in Saudi Arabia. Explain that to the people in Indonesia, in Bali. Explain that to the people of New York City. Explain that to the people of Lebanon. Explain that to the people in Israel that there's not a War on Terror." (Governor Mitt Romney, Remarks, Jacksonville, FL, 5/24/07)
Listen To Governor Romney's Full Remarks Here.
Double The Size Of Gitmo:
Governor Romney: "[Y]ou said the person's going to be in Guantanamo. I'm glad they're at Guantanamo. I don't want them on our soil. I want them on Guantanamo ... Some people have said, we ought to close Guantanamo. My view is, we ought to double Guantanamo." (Fox News Channel, Republican Presidential Candidate Debate, Columbia, SC, 5/15/07)
Watch Governor Romney's Full Remarks Here.
Mitt Romney, Romney Campaign Press Release - The Romney Agenda. Strong. New. Leadership. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project