Romney Campaign Press Release - The Romney Record: Governor Romney's Top Ten Line-Item Vetoes
CONTACT: Kevin Madden (857) 288-6390
"I had the line-item veto. We ought to have that in Washington. It allows you to pick out the pork and pick out the waste and to zero in on it." – Governor Romney (Fox News' "Hannity & Colmes," 4/4/07)
VETO #1: More Than 800 Budget Line-Items:
For All Four Of The Fiscal-Year Budgets That Crossed His Desk, Governor Romney Used The Line-Item Veto Power More Than 800 Times. Over the course of four budgets, Governor Romney made over 300 line-item reductions, 350 line-item eliminations and struck language 150 times. (Chapter 26 Of The Commonwealth Of Massachusetts Acts Of 2003, Governor's Veto Message, 6/30/03; Chapter 149 Of The Commonwealth Of Massachusetts Acts Of 2004, Governor's Veto Message, 6/25/04; Chapter 45 Of The Commonwealth Of Massachusetts Acts Of 2005, Governor's Veto Message, 6/30/05; Governor Mitt Romney, Memo To The Senate And House Of Representatives Of The Commonwealth Of Massachusetts; Fiscal Year 2007 General Appropriations Act Veto Items: Line Item Accounts, 7/8/06)
- Beacon Hill Institute Executive Director David Terck: "He Vetoed Hundreds Of Millions Of Dollars In Spending." WALL STREET JOURNAL'S PAUL GIGOT: "Was Governor Romney willing to use his veto pen to do that in Massachusetts?" BEACON HILL INSTITUTE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DAVID TERCK: "He most certainly was. He vetoed hundreds of millions of dollars in spending." (Fox News' "Journal Editorial Report," 3/31/07)
VETO #2: In-State Tuition For Illegal Immigrants:
In 2004, Governor Romney Line-Item Vetoed In-State Tuition For Illegal Immigrants. "Romney also vetoed a number of outside sections of the budget, including: ... A plan that would have permitted illegal aliens to pay the same in-state tuition rate at our public colleges and universities as Massachusetts citizens." (Office Of Governor Mitt Romney, "Romney Signs $22.402B Fiscal Year 2005 'No New Tax' Budget," Press Release, 6/25/04)
VETO #3: A Moratorium On Charter Schools:
In 2004, Governor Romney Line-Item Vetoed A Moratorium On Opening New Charter Schools. "Romney also vetoed a number of outside sections of the budget, including: ... A moratorium on the opening of five new charter schools in North Adams, Lynn, Salem, Marlborough and Cambridge." (Office Of Governor Mitt Romney, "Romney Signs $22.402B Fiscal Year 2005 'No New Tax' Budget," Press Release, 6/25/04)
VETO #4: A Tax On Prescription Drugs:
In 2003, Governor Romney Line-Item Vetoed A Provision That Would Have Renewed A Prescription Drug Tax. "Specific vetoes include language that would have: ... Renewed the ill-conceived $1.30 pharmacy tax levied on every prescription filled, which has a disproportionate impact on senior citizens and others who live on fixed incomes. This tax was scheduled to be reduced to 65 cents on July 1, 2004, but with Romney's veto will no longer be imposed." (Office Of Governor Mitt Romney, "Romney Signs No New Tax Budget In Time For New Fiscal Year," Press Release, 6/30/03)
VETO #5: A Provision That Would Have Weakened Massachusetts' English Immersion Program:
In 2003, Governor Romney Line-Item Vetoed A Provision That Would Have Created "A Major Loophole" In Massachusetts' English Immersion Law. "Specific vetoes include language that would have: ... Changed the English immersion ballot initiative to permit 'two-way' bilingual programs, creating a major loophole in the new law." (Office Of Governor Mitt Romney, "Romney Signs No New Tax Budget In Time For New Fiscal Year," Press Release, 6/30/03)
VETO #6: $150,000 To Study The Winter Moth:
In 2006, Governor Romney Line-Item Vetoed $150,000 For The University Of Massachusetts To Study The Winter Moth. (Office Of Governor Mitt Romney, "Romney Vetoes Wasteful Spending, Cites Need To Maintain Fiscal Discipline," Press Release, 6/24/06)
VETO #7: $4 Million To Research The Efficiency Of The Internal Combustion Engine:
In 2006, Governor Romney Line-Item Vetoed $4 Million To Research The Efficiency Of The Internal Combustion Engine. (Office Of Governor Mitt Romney, "Romney Vetoes Wasteful Spending, Cites Need To Maintain Fiscal Discipline," Press Release, 6/24/06)
VETO #8: $100,000 To Build A Gazebo In Braintree:
In 2006, Governor Romney Line-Item Vetoed $100,000 For A Gazebo On Sunset Lake In Braintree. (Office Of Governor Mitt Romney, "Romney Vetoes Wasteful Spending, Cites Need To Maintain Fiscal Discipline," Press Release, 6/24/06)
VETO #9: A Provision Watering Down The Welfare Work Requirement:
In 2003, Governor Romney Line-Item Vetoed A Provision That Would Have Weakened The Work Requirement For Welfare Recipients. "Specific vetoes include language that would have: ... Allowed education and training to substitute for the 20-hour per week work requirement for able-bodied welfare recipients. This veto saves $8 million and preserves the cornerstone of welfare reform, which has been the work requirement. Romney signed into law a provision expanding the work requirement to recipients who have children between the ages of two and five." (Office Of Governor Mitt Romney, "Romney Signs No New Tax Budget In Time For New Fiscal Year," Press Release, 6/30/03)
VETO #10: Retroactive Pay Increases For State Employees:
In 2004, Governor Romney Line-Item Vetoed Retroactive Pay Increases For State Employees. "The largest veto was $32 million to pay for retroactive pay raises for state employees at public colleges and universities. Romney noted the labor contracts are funded on a going forward basis, but said: 'Taxpayers who are trying to make ends meet, and who have been denied the tax cut they voted for in 2000, should not be asked to pay for retroactive salary increases for state employees.'" (Office Of Governor Mitt Romney, "Romney Signs $439 Million Supplemental Budget Bill," Press Release, 9/17/04)
Mitt Romney, Romney Campaign Press Release - The Romney Record: Governor Romney's Top Ten Line-Item Vetoes Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/297229