"Came Out Firing" ... "Sharp Answers" ... "Took The Offensive" ... "Rose To The Challenge" ... "Big, Big Win For Romney" ... "Changed The Trajectory Of This Race"
Time's Mark Halperin: "Denver Debate Grades (Based On Performance & Success In Using Debate 2 Improve Chances 2 Win): Romney A-, Obama B-." (Twitter.com, 10/3/12)
The Washington Post's Jerry Markon: "Republican Presidential Contender Mitt Romney Took The Offensive In The First Presidential Debate Wednesday Night..." "Republican presidential contender Mitt Romney took the offensive in the first presidential debate Wednesday night, forcing President Obama to defend his record in a series of sharp exchanges in which Romney charged that the President's economic policies have "crushed" the middle class." (The Washington Post, 10/3/12)
Denver Post's Tim Hoover: "Mitt Romney Came On Strong... While President Barack Obama Seemed Disinclined To Engage." "In a night characterized by a rambling debate format, Mitt Romney came on strong and stated his message more forcefully than in recent weeks, while President Barack Obama seemed disinclined to engage." (Denver Post, 10/3/12)
The Hill's Cameron Joseph: "Mitt Romney Came Out Firing On President Obama..." "Mitt Romney came out firing on President Obama in the opening minutes of the presidential debate, drawing sharp contrasts with the president's economic plan and accusing him of misleading the public on Romney's own plan." (The Hill, 10/3/12)
The Washington Post's Chris Cillizza: "If The Main Goal For Romney In This Debate Was To Show He Could Stand On Stage With The President And Handle A Wide-Ranging Discussion On Economic Policy, He Did So With Flying Colors." (The Washington Post, 10/3/12)
NBC News' Joe Scarborough: "Chris Christie Was Right Again. Tonight's Debate Has Changed The Trajectory Of This Race." (Twitter.com, 10/3/12)
Los Angeles Times: "In Position To Surprise, Romney Has Sharp Answers In First Debate" (Los Angeles Times, 10/3/12)
The Daily Beast's Andrew Sullivan: "Man, Obama Is Boring And Abstract. He's Putting Us To Sleep." "Man, Obama is boring and abstract. He's putting us to sleep. I get his points but he is entirely wonky tonight. And he is on the defensive." (Twitter.com, 10/3/12)
ABC News' Rick Klein: "Hearing More Specifics On Jobs And Economy From Challenger Than Incumbent." (Twitter.com, 10/3/12)
NBC News' Chuck Todd: "Very Important Night For Mitt Romney. And He Rose To The Challenge." (Twitter.com, 10/3/12)
Miami Herald's Marc Caputo: "Mitt Romney Beating Obama On The Personal Scale..." "Mitt Romney beating Obama on the personal scale, saying 'it's fun' to go off debate script" (Twitter.com, 10/3/12)
Slate's Dave Weigel: "Romney's 1-2-3 Listmaking Is More Effective Than Obama's And-And-And-Ing" (Twitter.com, 10/3/12)
Politico's Jonathan Martin: "Obama Finding Out This Is A Bit Different Than Facing McCain." (Twitter.com, 10/3/12)
The New York Times' Michael Luo: "Here We Go. Romney's Going After It." (Twitter.com, 10/3/12)
CNBC's John Harwood: "Romney's Strongest Moment So Far -- Direct Challenge To Obama On Deficits For 'Not Getting Job Done'" (Twitter.com, 10/3/12)
The Washington Post's Aaron Blake: "Strong Moment For Romney, Pointing Out That Obama Has Had Time To Push for Simpson-Bowles. Obama Looked Resigned." (Twitter.com, 10/3/12)
Political Journalist Jon Ralston: "When Does Clinton Tap In To Spell Obama In This Debate?" (Twitter.com, 10/3/12)
NBC News' David Gregory: "Bipartisan Feedback I'm Getting Right Now Is That Romney Is Doing Much Better Than Expected." (Twitter.com, 10/3/12)
The Wall Street Journal's Patrick O'Connor: "Mitt Romney's Last Answer Schooling The President On How Business Works Is Just The Image The Romney Team In Boston Hoped To Drive Forward..." "Mitt Romney's last answer schooling the president on how business works is just the image the Romney team in Boston hoped to drive forward: Our guy knows how to create jobs because he knows business, the president doesn't." ("Live Blog: The First Obama-Romney Debate," The Wall Street Journal, 10/3/12)
The New York Times' Adam Nagourney: "Who Is More Absent From The Stage? Jim Leher Or President Obama. Close Call." (Twitter.com, 10/3/12)
CNN's Jim Acosta: "Romney Took A Lot Of Knocks For All Of His Debate Prep. Turns Out, It Paid Off." (Twitter.com, 10/3/12)
Jeff Greenfield: "Romney Is Instructing Obama On How The Economy Works, And Obama Seems Unable To Wrench The Narrative Away From Him." (Twitter.com, 10/3/12)
The Washington Post's Suzy Khimm: "Obama Is Stumbling, Hesitant In Describing The Selling Points Of His Signature Achievement. Not Good." (Twitter.com, 10/3/12)
WMUR's Jack McElveen: "We Have Never Seen @BarackObama On The Defensive Like This. Unprecedented. Wrong Or Right. @MittRomney Is On The Game He Needed To Be On." (Twitter.com, 10/3/12)
Mother Jones' David Corn: "Romney Looks Like He's Having A Good Time. Obama Does Not." (Twitter.com, 10/3/12)
Humorist Bill Maher: "I Can't Believe I'm Saying This, But Obama Looks Like he DOES Need A Teleprompter" (Twitter.com, 10/3/12)
The Huffington Post's Jon Ward: "Wow, Obama Cannot Look At Romney" (Twitter.com, 10/3/12)
Washington Examiner's Byron York: "An Absolutely One-Sided Debate. Big, Big Win For Romney." (Twitter.com, 10/3/12)
Political Analyst Stu Rothenberg: "What Happened To Obama? The President Didn't Seem Prepared." (Twitter.com, 10/3/12)
Weekly Standard's Bill Kristol: "Mitt Romney Stood And Delivered The Best Debate Performance By A Republican Presidential Candidate In More Than Two Decades." (Weekly Standard, 10/3/12)
Political Analyst Larry Sabato: "Probably Romney's Best Debate Ever. Maybe Obama's Worst." "Probably Romney's best debate ever. Maybe Obama's worst. I lost count of # of opportunities Obama missed." (Twitter.com, 10/3/12)
Mitt Romney, Romney Campaign Press Release - What They're Saying: "An Absolute One-Sided Debate" Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/303642