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Ron Paul Campaign Press Release - Ron Paul Campaign Airs Final New Hampshire TV Ad 'Believe'

January 02, 2012

Ad features prominent Republican surrogates such as State Sens. Andy Sanborn and Ray White

LAKE JACKSON, Texas — The Ron Paul 2012 Presidential campaign announced today that it will begin airing its final television ad 'Believe' in the key early voting state of New Hampshire.

The 60-second ad will run beginning today on broadcast and cable television statewide in New Hampshire, and on broadcast television in the greater Boston market. The ad features prominent Granite State surrogates such as political activists and leaders including state Sens. Andy Sanborn (R-Henniker) and Ray White (R-Bedford), both of whom have endorsed Ron Paul for the presidency.

A key feature of the ad is New Hampshire politicians and luminaries condemning the outsize growth of the federal government — calling is "overtaxing" and "overspending" — alongside declarations that the upcoming election is about trust. The ad then presents Ron Paul as an honest and consistent candidate, and the sole alternative to flip-floppers responsible for the costly mistakes of the past. The ad also showcases, in the words of its subjects, the strengths of Ron Paul's 'Plan to Restore America.'

"Ron Paul is surging in New Hampshire and is in it to win it. We have a first-class organization and tremendous support from a state where his message of personal and economic liberty resonates well. This ad will serve as the closing argument for why Ron Paul is the only authentic conservative in this race, and the only one capable of bringing authentic change to Washington," said Ron Paul 2012 National Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton.

To view the television ad online, please click here.

Ron Paul, Ron Paul Campaign Press Release - Ron Paul Campaign Airs Final New Hampshire TV Ad 'Believe' Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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