Ron Paul Campaign Press Release - Ron Paul Campaign Names New 'Homeschoolers for Ron Paul' Nationwide Coalition Members
Education choice champions create unity among their peers, establish resources, and prefer Paul
LAKE JACKSON, Texas - The Ron Paul 2012 Presidential campaign announced today additional members of its active "Homeschoolers for Ron Paul" nationwide coalition.
First announced in August, the successful coalitions effort has generated momentum in the first-in-nation voting state of Iowa. Today, interest in Ron Paul by this population segment has spilled over to many other states and the national campaign. The campaign's expanded use of the homeschool and other coalitions is proving itself a useful tool in helping to make Barack Obama a one-term president.
Officially declaring their support, the following individuals and families have joined the national advisory board of the "Homeschoolers for Ron Paul" coalition.
Along with her husband Bill, Mary Pride is the founder and publisher of Practical Homeschooling magazine, a publication that boasts 100,000 readers circulated for more than 27 years. In conjunction with Practical Homeschooling, her website www.home-school.comis among the more popular homeschool resource sites on the web. Pride also authored a dozen books devoted to home education and Christian family life.
"I am for Ron Paul because he is the only candidate who is actually willing to stand for Constitutional government and an end to our breakneck dash towards national bankruptcy, because he is right that America cannot afford to be the world's policeman, and because any of his currently viable opponents would be disastrous as President."
"Rick Santorum will never be forgotten for how he tirelessly stumped for transparently liberal Arlen Specter in Pennsylvania—the same Arlen Specter who defected to the Democrats once in office, and who with the election of Al Franken provided the Democrats a filibuster-proof majority in 2009. This, although a genuine conservative, Pat Toomey, was leading Specter in polls at the time and Toomey lost by less than 2 percent even with President Bush and then-Senator Rick Santorum both pulling all the stops out to elect Specter. Looking at his actual voting record, as opposed to his present campaign promises, Santorum is a big government spender. "
"As the mother of nine homeschool graduates, the author in 1986 of the first mass-market homeschool 'how to' book, and the publisher of Practical Homeschooling magazine for over 100 issues, I am not only concerned about which candidate can best be trusted with our homeschooling freedoms—Ron Paul—but that your and my children will be able to raise their own children in a country that is not a mere shell of its former self. This is why I support Ron Paul for President in 2012," concluded Mrs. Pride.
Former editor of Homeschooling Today magazine, Jim Bob Howard is a homeschooling father of four, dedicated husband of 17 years, and has actively served in several positions for the Christian Home Educators Association of Central Texas. Jim Bob and his wife Amy have spoken at several homeschooling conferences and have written numerous articles on home education.
"Very few candidates for office will try and fail more than once or twice. Or, once elected, most will spend an inordinate amount of time seeking re-election. One statesman stands out in stark contrast to this vanity fair of clamoring for offices of public trust. His name is Ron Paul. What I care about is that he's a Godly man of character and conviction, who has made himself a lifelong student of liberty and personal responsibility," offered Mr. Howard.
"Dr. Paul is a man of principles; he's a brother in Christ; and he's a champion of 'liberty with responsibility.' But don't take my word for it, read what he has said, what he'll do in office, and why he'll do it. If you see a man of principles who will not back down against a sea of opposition, if you see a statesman who has been fighting for your liberty for more than 30 years, if you see a man who sets the personal standard and encourages others to do the same, I hope you'll join me in voting for Ron Paul," added Mr. Howard.
Nationally acclaimed educator, author and commentator Leigh Bortins is credited with helping to launch the "home-centered learning" education movement. She is CEO and Founder of Classical Conversations, Inc., and hails from Seven Lakes, North Carolina.
"In determining which candidate to support, I wondered which candidate would support me the most consistently as I educate myself and my children in the ways of God and the institutions He ordained - government, church, and family. I wondered which candidate would acknowledge that the best education raises children that feed the hungry, give sight to the blind, and care for widows and orphans - not a candidate who asks for legislation that favors our employment, nor ask for others to fund our sports teams, schools, and libraries," said Ms. Bortins.
"Is there a candidate that trusts me to feed my family, to care for my elderly parents, to keep my yard's wetlands healthy, and to purchase insurance if I live in a flood zone? Is there a candidate that believes I am an adult who can make responsible decisions to grow my financial assets, to save for my old age, and to invest in my education? Is there a candidate who believes that if someone who is hungry comes to my attention, I will feed him or her? Yes. Politics doesn't matter to him as much as the truth. He knows it is wrong to ask for money that just doesn't exist and isn't yours. He is a presidential candidate who not only understands thoroughly that ideas have consequences, but I believe has a chance to win. He has been around a very long time. That is why I'm endorsing Ron Paul for President," added Ms. Bortins.
Owner of the homeschool resource website www.HomeschoolChristian.comand founder of the Brevard Homeschool Support group, Martha Robinson is a proud mother of four. After spending fourteen years in the corporate sector, Ms. Robinson began devoting her attention to home education in 1999, and pursuing the teaching of Austrian economics in homeschool curricula. Her background also includes thousands of volunteer hours spent with the U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps, among other organizations, and teaching economics and history to homeschooled teens and parents.
"Ron Paul is the only candidate who has shown a consistent record of voting to allow people to make free choices in this country, and he has supported homeschooling with all his heart. As homeschoolers, we have bravely stepped out of the mainstream, leading our children to a better way of life. Now is the time for us to rally behind Ron Paul. His wisdom and experience will allow him to tackle the behemoth our government has become and to restore the liberties that we as Americans want and deserve. I fully endorse Ron Paul as the next President of the United States," Ms. Robinson wrote in a statement.
As a basic first step, those wanting to join the "Homeschoolers for Ron Paul" nationwide coalition should visit the official page by clicking here. They should also contact Chris Kuper, National Coalitions Liaison for the Ron Paul 2012 Presidential campaign, via email at chrisk@ronpaul2012.com.
For information on Dr. Paul's stance on education freedom, please click here.
Ron Paul, Ron Paul Campaign Press Release - Ron Paul Campaign Names New 'Homeschoolers for Ron Paul' Nationwide Coalition Members Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/299293