Ron Paul Campaign Press Release - Ron Paul Handily Sells Out New York City's Largest Nightclub

Nearly 1,900 grassroots activists, luminaries celebrate
LAKE JACKSON, Texas — 2012 Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul drew a spectacular 1,862 greater New York City metropolitan area voters for a fundraising rally last night.
"Ron Paul continues to inspire a movement that no other campaign can duplicate in its conviction and broadness," said Ron Paul 2012 National Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton.
"The success of this entirely-grassroots event in the heart of New York City demonstrates that supporters are motivated by Dr. Paul's winning message of Constitutionally-limited government, sound money and a traditional Republican noninterventionist foreign policy," said Mr. Benton.
The event was hosted by the Ron Paul NYC Liberty HQ, an independent grassroots organization. Luminaries included Jack Hunter, Ron Paul 2012 Presidential Campaign Blogger, Radio Host and Columnist for The American Conservative; Peter Schiff, CEO of Euro Pacific Capital; the Hon. Dan Halloran, New York City Councilman (R-19); Murray Sabrin, Former U.S. Senate candidate in New Jersey; and singer-songwriter Jordan Page.
Ron Paul, Ron Paul Campaign Press Release - Ron Paul Handily Sells Out New York City's Largest Nightclub Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/299151