Ron Paul Campaign Press Release - Schedule: Ron Paul to Hold Massive Town Hall Meeting in Missouri
Holds voter outreach event at Mizzou with 'Youth for Ron Paul' as Show-Me State caucuses occur
ST. LOUIS, Missouri — 2012 Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul will hold a giant town hall meeting in Missouri ahead of the state's county caucuses that begin today and continue through Saturday, March 24th.
The event, which is free and open to the public, will take place on the University of Missouri's Mel Carnahan Quadrangle - The South Quad, located along Missouri Avenue in Columbia. Doors open to the public at 11:30 a.m. CST. To reserve your seat at the event featuring Dr. Paul and enter the venue 30 minutes early, please click here.
The University of Missouri event is being organized by 'Youth for Ron Paul'(YFP), an initiative of the Ron Paul 2012 Presidential campaign. Since 'Youth for Ron Paul' launched in September, students nationwide have organized 583 chapters and recruited more than 46,000 people.
"Ron Paul continues to draw sizable crowds on college campuses across the nation because young people embrace his message of individual liberty, lasting prosperity, and a smart foreign policy that keeps America safe. Last week in Kansas more than 2,100 attended a YFP-hosted town hall meeting, and I'm confident that Mizzou students will turn out in even greater numbers. Ron Paul is the sole candidate who generates enthusiasm among young people, and he's the only one who can challenge President Obama for this key demographic come November," said Edward King, National Youth Director for the Ron Paul 2012 Presidential campaign.
"The tremendous support youth regularly give Ron Paul across America is the envy of every other campaign. Dr. Paul succeeds in conveying that his message of fiscal restraint, constitutionally-limited government, and individual liberty is the only platform that resonates with younger voters and unites our country's next generation—the very people who will deal with today's wasteful government overspending," said Ani DeGroot, Midwest Regional Director for the Ron Paul 2012 Presidential campaign.
To learn more about 'Youth for Ron Paul' including how to sign-up and establish a local chapter, visit the YFP website by clicking here.
Dr. Paul's Missouri town hall meeting will be followed by an open press avail. Members of the local and major print, broadcast, and online media with particular needs should contact National Media Coordinator Megan Stiles via email at Please, no exceptions.
Details of the event are as follows. Time is Central.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
12:00 p.m.
Ron Paul Campus Town Hall Meeting
Carnahan Quadrangle - The South Quad
University of Missouri
Missouri Avenue
Columbia, MO 65211
For a map of the location, please click here.
Ron Paul, Ron Paul Campaign Press Release - Schedule: Ron Paul to Hold Massive Town Hall Meeting in Missouri Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project