Rubio Campaign Press Release - Florida Veteran Leaders: Back Marco Rubio to Stop Donald Trump
Florida Veterans Are Backing Marco
March 12, 2016
Today, Team Marco announced a growing group of Florida veterans endorsing Marco for President.
Ahead of the March 15 primary, veterans in Florida and across the nation know that Marco is the best choice for Florida's military community and the candidate most fit to serve as Commander-in-Chief.
Florida Veterans for Rubio Co-Chairs Lieutenant Colonel Chris Hart and The Honorable Rudi Gresham called on Florida veterans to unite behind Marco to stop Donald Trump:
Marco Rubio fought for veterans in the United States Senate and will do the same in the White House. Donald Trump, a man who dodged the draft by claiming 'bone spurs' prevented him from serving, has repeatedly denigrated the service of heroes like Colonel Leo Thorsness, POW and Medal of Honor recipient, who was among the many POWs Trump slurred when he said he 'like[s] the ones who weren't captured,' and called them losers.
Trump does not care about veterans unless there is something in it for him. Marco Rubio worked across the aisle to bring more accountability to the Veterans Administration. Most importantly, Marco understands the threats America faces around the world and has the proven judgment required to be Commander-in-Chief. We urge all our fellow Florida veterans to reject Donald Trump and vote for Marco Rubio for President.
Here's the full list of members of the Florida Veterans for Marco coalition:
Florida Veterans for Marco Chairman:
Colonel Leo Thorsness, U.S. Air Force (former P.O.W. and Medal of Honor recipient)
Florida Veterans for Marco Co-Chairs:
Lieutenant General James Abrahamson, U.S. Air Force
The Honorable Rudi Gresham, former Senior Advisor to the Secretary of Veterans Affairs
The Honorable Thomas F. Hall, former Assistant Secretary of Defense
Lieutenant Colonel Chris Hart, U.S. Army
The Honorable Tom Rooney, Member of Congress (R-FL)
Sergeant Mario Rubio, U.S. Army
Lieutenant Colonel Michael Waltz, U.S. Army
Florida Veterans for Marco Leaders:
Sergeant Frank Campanaro, U.S. Army
Major General Richard Carr, U.S. Air Force
Lieutenant Junior Grade Warren Chase, U.S. Navy
Colonel Charles B. Coleman III, U.S. Air Force
Master Sergeant William Collins, U.S. Army
Lieutenant Colonel Bill Dudley, U.S. Air Force
Captain James D. Guth, U.S. Navy
Petty Officer Second Class Jim Hogan, U.S. Navy
Sergeant Steve Hollingsworth, U.S. Army
Commander David I. Kasse, U.S. Navy
Major Myke Landers, U.S. Army
Sergeant Major Frank McCord, U.S. Army
Chief Warrant Officer Mark P. Miner, U.S. Army
Captain Benjamin Newman, U.S. Navy
Sergeant Major Ray A. Quinn, U.S. Army
Captain Walt Steiner, U.S. Navy
Captain Chris Tande, U.S. Navy
Rear Admiral Roger Triftshauser, U.S. Navy
Major Tom Waskovich, U.S. Army
*Names are listed in alphabetical order
Marco Rubio, Rubio Campaign Press Release - Florida Veteran Leaders: Back Marco Rubio to Stop Donald Trump Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/326219